6. Reading Poems

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"Vanessa, get down. You are already late for school," Mom shouted in a chirpy morning voice.

I ran around my room, looking for a few important books that I needed for the day. I stuffed them in my bag and picked up my phone from the nightstand. Before leaving the room, I looked at my reflection in the mirror and smiled.

You look good today, just don't be a crybaby.

I recalled the events from yesterday.
Throughout the night I comforted myself by saying that it was alright. There was nothing to worry about. Everything will get back to normal. But that didn't even help me a bit. I ended up crying.

My motto has always been the same. To stay positive in the most difficult circumstances, but I'm just trying, and it felt like I just couldn't anymore. But in the end, staying positive is what keeps me going.

I took a deep breath and walked downstairs, entering the kitchen, where I saw Mom pouring a glass of orange juice for me.

"Sorry, Mom. Can you please give me a ride to the school?" I asked as I took a sip of orange juice.

"Sure, Panda," She said as she picked up her bag and car keys. "I'm waiting for you in the car. Hurry!" She walked away, leaving the door open for me.

I hurriedly locked the door and did a little jog to the car, and then I quickly settled down, not wanting to be late for school. In the meantime, Mom asked me about my plans for today and other stuff. She was keeping the conversation surprisingly normal.

Ten minutes later Mom parked in the school parking area, and I stepped out, "Drive safe, bye Mom. Love ya".

"Love you. Best of luck with your poetry".

"Thanks," I shouted, then turned around to leave.

As I neared the school garden, I heard someone shout my name. I turned around to see Grayson Smith calling out for me. He walked up to me and ruffled his hair a little bit at the same time, making it a mess over his head. His radiant emerald eyes glowed in the sunlight, and he always had this confident smile on his face which enhanced his facial features more.

Now, I finally understood Candice's obsession with emerald eyes.

Candice once told me that she had a thing for emerald eyes and that she would like to date Grayson if she got a chance, but nothing happened yet. It was not just his eyes that captivated her but those sudden rush of feelings that she admitted openly, unlike me.

I've known Grayson since ninth grade. We bonded over a project, and I learned that he enjoys literature as much as I do. I love people who read. It's like you found someone who you could talk to about books endlessly. 

"Vanessa..." He said as he passed me a book with a familiar cover. I furrowed my eyebrows and said, "I already have this book, I don't need it".

"You forgot it at the library on Friday, silly," He said as we both started walking towards the school building.

"What? My precious little thing, I'm sorry" I started talking to my book as if it was a living thing. I heard Grayson chuckle at my reaction.

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