Harry opened his eyes, and when Louis looked into them, he saw a haze of tears creeping on the edge of his emerald green eyes.

"I- I didn't want him to. I went there to get everything off my chest and" he took a deep breath and looked away from Louis' piercing gaze "and after I did, this fucker dared to touch me again, even after what I told him"

Louis suddenly felt anger taking over his pain as he saw the tears rolling down Harry's cheeks and his shaky hands wiping them away

"I'm sorry" Harry whispered

That, the fact that he was apologizing for something he wasn't responsible for, once again, that angered Louis even more

"Don't apologize" he said "You don't have to, he should be the one to do so"

"I shouldn't have gone there in the first place, it's my fault. If-" Harry said shakily

"No" Louis cut him off "It is not your fault. He acted like a dick toward you, he texted you like he had any right to come back and pretend everything is okay, calling you babe and saying that he missed you. You are absolutely not in the wrong, Harry"

Harry pursed his lips and nodded briefly.

Louis felt the urge to reach for him and cuddle him. He wanted to protect him and take him away from anyone not deserving of his sweetness. He knew Harry was a big guy, but he looked just so vulnerable right now and it was too painful for Louis to watch him helding himself responsible for absolutely no reason.

Louis hated the fact that this mothefucking piece of shit that was Harry's ex ever made Harry feel like that.

"If I ever come across this bastard, I'll beat the shit out of him" Louis said seriously

That put a little, but genuine smile on Harry's lips.

"I won't stop you" he replied

"Good" Louis smiled

The smile that was on Harry's lips faded and was replaced by a frown.

"Before tonight, it had been a long time since I last drank" he started quietly, avoiding Louis' gaze "Apart from parties, I mean. I used to drink a lot when I was alone, or lonely, after my breakup"

Harry looked up at Louis, to see if he was listening, probably, and Louis was.

"I downed more than half of a bottle of vodka today, hoping to forget that he actually dared to drunk text me" he laughed humorlessly "What did I do instead of forgetting? I got my drunk ass in my car and drove to his stupid house to yell at him. I'm so pathetic" he added, looking down at his hands

"No you're not" Louis said, making Harry look up to him with his hand on his chin "Everyone has their own way to heal from things, and if yours was to go and yell at him, then it's okay. I understand that it upsets you that even after all this time, he still makes you feel bad, but healing isn't linear, Harry. Sometimes you fall back down, but that doesn't mean you're not healing"

At the end of his last sentence, a tear fell down Harry's cheek. Louis moved closer and kissed Harry's tear away from his cheek. When he leaned back, Harry watched him with soft eyes.

Louis wanted to kiss Harry, but he didn't want to startle him or anything. He figured that maybe Harry needed time, and Louis wasn't going to pressure him into anything.

Harry then leaned closer, a bit hesitant, and pressed his lips with Louis'. Louis kissed him back with as much sweetness as Harry. This kiss was nothing like the others. It was softer, slower, it wasn't heated and impatient. It felt a hundred times better, it felt intimate.

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