Chapter 94

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His full demon nature? But why would he...Alex stayed quiet, not even denying it.

"The only reason why you were even able to put me in this state was because you abandoned all your emotions!" Zeke took a short pause, laughing a little. "Looks as if your demon side isn't as strong as you thought it out to be, seeing as how you gave in once I made my attack on that girl."

Alex clenched his fists as Zeke coughed out again. "I should've killed her the first chance I had. But my ego got in the way, wanting to get back at the two bastards who did me wrong."

Snapping back at him, I could hear in his voice he was furious. "That's bullshit Zeke and you know it! You wanted your brother dead anyways so what difference did it make!? Just because-"

"THE DIFFERENCE IS THAT IT WAS YOU TWO WHO KILLED HIM!" Zeke's body began to steam from his anger. "That was my kill, and you took it away!"

I began to recall what Caden had told me about that incident with Bryce, and how Caden said that he had killed him. Thinking back again, that isn't necessarily true...

Closing my eyes, I brought the knife down a bit and slowly turned to face Bryce. I realized Jake started running past me, and before I could turn back to see what he was doing, Bryce took a hold of my hands along with the blade, stabbing himself in the chest. My eyes shot wide open with tears streaming down my cheeks as he pulled it out and stabbed himself again, this time much deeper. He had no reaction of pain or sorrow in him, only relief. Before falling to the ground, he mouthed the words thank you with a smile on his face.

"You're wrong." The words slipped out of my mouth.

"What was that?" Zeke barked, sounding more annoyed. Even Jake and Alex gave me a funny look.

Standing to my feet, they objected, trying to keep me seated. I faced Zeke clenching my fists. "You're wrong. Neither of them killed him."

"Serine, what are you-" Jake took a hold of my shoulder and I shook him off.

"Caden told me everything that happened, and the way I see it neither of them killed your brother, but-"

"You don't know anything! You weren't there!"

I ignored Zeke, running my mouth again. "Your brother took his life into his own hands." I swallowed hard, hesitating to continue. This may have been stupid of me, but I couldn't help myself. I just couldn't forgive the idea that those two had been suffering by blaming themselves for so long. "Your brother would rather have killed himself than be killed by your hands and that's exactly what he did! He took Caden's hands holding the blade with his own hands and forced it through his own body. Caden didn't do it of his own-"

Jake took a hold of my shoulders with a tight grip turning me to face him. "Cut it out Serine! Stop it already, you don't-"

Pushing his hands off me, I snapped back at him tears running down my face. "You don't know what happened because you were the one acting as a decoy, Jake! I already told you, Caden told me everything, and even then, he still blames himself, you both do. Neither of you killed him, but in the end you saved him. I know it sounds bad saying that because taking someone's life is never ok, but you-"

A high pitch noise sounded and I instantly covered my ears but even then it didn't help. It felt as if my ear drums were about to burst. Looking over, I realized Zeke was already moving at full speed toward us. His hand wrapped around my waist and I was immediately thrown against the wall. My throat was grabbed and I was held into the air. "Don't talk as if you know everything!" He squeezed tighter and I struggled for air.

I fell to the ground when he was pushed to the side and I coughed out a few times. Alex came to my side helping me up. Looking around, I realized Jake was the one who pushed Zeke away. "Jake, what...are you.." I forced out the words as he punched Zeke in the face. Taking a hold of Jake's arms, they were at a standstill. Zeke began pulling him down with him as he jumped down into the hole in the surface. My eyes widened, and my body jumped forward. "Jake!"

Alex took me by the hand and leaped forward. "Stay back!" He shouted as he flew down after them. I wound up falling back down to my knees breathing heavily. Why'd I have to go and open my mouth? Dammit! I punched the ground several times causing my knuckles to start bleeding.

An echo sounded from within the hole and I crawled forward to the edge looking in. It was pitch black still, nothing to see. A moment passed before a small light appeared in the middle. It began to get bigger and bigger with each second. As it approached the top, it shot out into the air sending wind flying to the sides pushing me back.

Quickly looking up, I saw Alex's light slowly fall back down to me and I breathed out with relief. As he landed, he set Jake down and they both held out their hands to me. "Come on." Alex said taking a hold of my hand. "It's time to go back."

Taking a hold of Jake's hand, I swallowed. "What about Zeke? Is he..."

They both pulled me up in unison without a word, and Alex embraced me tightly. I wrapped my arms around him and took a hold of his shirt as I buried my face in his chest.

"I'm sorry." My voice cracked as I whispered. A hand was placed on my head pulling me closer to Alex's warm body. Not another word was spoken.

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