Chapter 81

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Caden's First Run-In With Alex


First period felt like hours passed before it was over. And of course, second was all the way at the the other side of the school. What a pain...

"Get out of the way. Freak." I heard a voice shout from up ahead, and realized Serine had been caught in the middle. Clenching my fists, I walked up shouting out.

"Hey, Bret. Why don't you watch where you're going rather than push people out of the way." Everyone stopped, growing quiet staring at the three of us.

"You talking to me?" Bret asked, a little irritated. I stared straight at Bret, giving him a nasty look.

I shrugged, acting like a smart ass. "Bret is your name is it not? Or should I start calling you jerk from now on?"

Bret got into my face, clenching his fists as well. "Are you picking a fight with me?"

Shrugging again, I gave him a serious look. "No, but I can see you're just itching for one."

"Both of you, just stop!" Serine shouted out catching both of our attentions. I didn't want her to get even more involved than she already was...

Bret narrowed his eyes, and started walking towards her. Before I could stop him, Mr. Berry walked up and I froze.

"What is going on here?" Mr. Berry questioned. "Everyone, get to class now."

Everyone quickly scurried away. Mr. Berry rested his hand on Serine's shoulder as he stared straight at me and Bret.


"Not you three. You're all coming with me."

I let out an annoyed sigh, but went with him anyways. It's been a while since I've actually been called to the office for picking fights, but for the first time, it didn't result into any fighting.


It was lunch and the three of us finally got out of the principal's office. It was kind of awkward being called in there after so long, almost unnatural.

After we got out, I ran up to Serine, placing my hand on her shoulder. "You ok?" I asked in a soft voice.

She nodded, a bit wary. "Yea...sorry, for uh...bringing you into this."

I couldn't help but laugh as I patted her on the head. "What are you apologizing for? A big bros gotta look out for his little sis." Thinking back, my expression changed. "If anything, I should be the one to apologize. I'm not there for you enough to keep you from being messed with." I really haven't been there for her like I should I used to be..

I heard someone in the distance calling Serine's name. Looking past her, someone was walking towards us, someone I haven't seen here before, and yet, it's like I have...

"Hey. You ready to go?" He called out putting his hand on her shoulder.

"Who're you? You seem oddly familiar..." I asked taking my hand off her head.

"Could you give us a second?" Serine pushed his hand off taking a hold of my arm, forcefully pulling me away.

"Hey, that hurts! Serine, let go!" Her grip instantly loosened and I jerked my arm away, rubbing the spot she gripped.


Sighing, I crossed my arms. "Alright, so what is it? Who is that guy, and why does he-"

She slapped her hand over my mouth frantically. "Shh! Don't say it!"

Pushing her arm away, I started getting annoyed. What's going on with her? She isn't herself at all. "What's up with you? Why are you acting strange again? It's just like" Our conversation from last night replayed in my head and I got a chill. No, he can't be... "Serine, is he..."

She nodded.

"Serine, why is he-"

The guy barged in cutting me off taking a hold of Serine's wrist. "Sorry to break up your guys' squabble, but I need to borrow her for the remaining time." Before I could respond, he spoke again, a bit more aggressively. "Oh, and don't follow us."

"Hey, I wasn't done talking to him." I heard Serine call out as he dragged her down the hall. Dammit...what the hell is he doing here? I thought they were gone for good! So why...why show his face here now? DAMMIT! All my anger came flooding back and I ended up punching the wall. What am I supposed to do now? What if that other guy shows up...what am I supposed to do then?

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