Chapter 62

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It felt as if my energy was suddenly drained from my entire body, and I fell to the ground. A loud crash sounded as my body slammed into the floor. Alex quickly reacted, helping me up. "Serine, can you stand?" As he helped me, my side ached more and more. "Damn, your wound reopened, didn't it?" Alex said as I pressed my hand against it. A cold liquid began to run down my hand. Without a doubt, my wound had reopened, spilling out my own blood.

Pulling my hand away, I stared down at the blood on my hand in disgust. He lifted me, taking a hold of my legs and supporting my back. Alex set me back down on the bed.

"Hey, have you phone...anywhere." Jake came through the door, and grew quiet for a moment. "What happened to Ser-"

"Forget what happened and just go get a doctor!" Shouting back at him, Alex punched the wall with frustration. He turned back toward me, supporting his body with his hands on the bed.

I placed my hand over his, and he looked my way. He pulled his hand out from under mine and wrapped his fingers around my hand. Folding mine around his, I held on tightly. "Alex..." I began to sob. Shutting my eyes tight, tears began falling from my eyes. My voice became sketchy as it broke. "I'm terrified...this is, it's just like with's.." I stopped when Alex rested his other hand on my head. He began to pet me, maneuvering his fingers between mine.

"I'm not going to let him kill you." Alex kneeled to the ground and softly placed his lips against my forehead. After he pulled away, he put his forehead against mine, and spoke in a more regretful tone. "I just wouldn't be able to live with myself if I ever let that happen to you..." I could tell there was more he wanted to say, he just couldn't form the words.

I began to think about what Alex said to Zeke, how only trackers could hide their presence. I wonder... "Hey, Alex...about what you said, before...trackers can hide themselves, so then..."

Without even having to finished, he knew exactly what I would say. "I don't know what he's doing, or how he's doing it, but even when I hide myself he's somehow able to pinpoint where I am...unlike him, I can't tell a damn thing when his presence disappears." Alex hesitated for a moment, gripping my hand tighter. "It's like he's on a whole other level." Stopping for a moment, his expression changed a bit, looking confused.

" it?" I groaned a little, pressing my hand against my side giving it a bit more pressure.

He shook his head and answered. "It's nothing...I'm just thinking, if Zander-"

Alex was cut off when the doctors came barging in. Perfect timing.. The doctors pulled Alex away from me surrounding the bed. "I'm sorry, but you have to wait outside during this time." One of the doctors, a woman, guided Alex out the door. He glanced back once more at me catching my eyes. As he slowly turned away, I shut my eyes and sent my mind away to a different world, if only for just a short while.


After being discharged from the hospital, Alex and I finally returned to his place. In the end though, even after their fighting and hate towards one another, Alex convinced Jake to come back with us. It was obvious neither of them liked the idea, but Jake ended up sticking around anyways. It does make me curious though, why did he make Jake come back with us despite hating him so much?

Resting in Alex's room, he and Jake were out in the living room talking almost themselves again. As curious as I was, I didn't bother with it anymore. If they want to tell me, then it's up to them. I decided not to mess with it anymore...better that than to get them worked up again. Closing my eyes for a few minutes, it seemed like it had been hours since I opened them again.


I found myself laying in a bed of silky green grass. Sitting up, I looked around. This felt so familiar...with such a breathtaking sight. Trees and water surrounded me. This is, heaven. I slowly stood to my feet glancing back and forth. "Juliana?" I called out to her. No answer. Calling out again, I shouted out louder walking forward. "Juliana! Are you there? Please, answer me!"

"I see you're doing well, considering." My body froze, and my heart skipped a beat. This could only belong to one person. Tears began to stream down my face uncontrollably. As I turned around, my heart soared into the skies. I whispered underneath my breath. "Caden.."

I never thought I'd see his smiling face again. "I can already tell what you're thinking. It's really me, Serine."

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