Chapter 86

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Caden's End


I suddenly felt an immense pain in my stomach and I groaned loudly, wrapping my hands around. Just before I could realize what was happening, I was grabbed and lifted into the air by the throat. I attempted to break free, but it was no use. My body was slammed back into the ground causing me to scream out louder than before, leaving my whole body aching.

"Stop this!" I could hear Serine's voice in the background. Pushing myself up, I groaned from the pain, and I heard her calling out again. "Caden!"

Looking over, I saw her so beat up, so destroyed, it killed me inside. "S-Ser...ine.."I couldn't do a thing for her in my state...even now, all I can manage is letting her down. Grabbing my hair, Zander lifted me back up into the air, and I shut my eyes unable to bear the pain.

Serine cried out again, this time more desperately than before. "Please! I'm begging you!"

"Watch me as I take away your sanity!" Throwing me into the air, I screamed out from the sudden force. I couldn't tell what was happening below me. As I fell to the ground, my body was suddenly pierced through my body just before I plummeted into the ground. My blood covered my body, and everything started to fade. The last thing I saw was the spear sticking out of my body mixed with the last thing I heard.

"NOOO!!" Serine's voice pierced my ears as my eyes shut. Before losing all feeling in my body, a single tear slid down my cheek.

So this is the end...what a disgrace I've become. In the end, I couldn't even protect my own sister. Even worse...she's at the hands of someone who's terrified her for years. I've always wished to give her the best in life, not this...


Telling Serine everything...I never thought it would come to this. This entire time, she's stared at me...with pain and sorrow in her eyes, crying non stop. Even I was unable to hold back any longer...for so long I kept everything bottled up inside for her, stayed strong for her. Up until now, I held myself together...but, I finally broke...

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