Chapter 48

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Almost two weeks had passed since I last went to my house. The thought crossed my mind plenty of times to go back and finally grab my clothes, but I just haven't been able to bring myself to go. I finally decided that it's time I went, get it over with, and rid myself of that house. As I walked to the door, Alex stepped in my way.

"Where are you going?" He narrowed his eyes at a me, a semi serious face.

"I'm going to get my clothes. I can't keep wearing yours forever you know." I pushed past him and he grabbed me from behind. I heard him laugh a little. "What's so funny?"

Lifting my feet off the ground, I let out a small shriek. "Are my clothes not good enough for you?" He brought up my legs holding them in his arm.

"That's not it, now come on Alex, put me down." I hit his chest once and he only laughed again. As I tried lifting my legs up and over his arm, Alex lost his footing and we both came tumbling down. Being that Alex was carrying me, he ended up breaking my fall. Alex groaned as he sat up. I pushed myself off his body making it easier for him. "Sorry..I didn't think you would lose your balance."

Alex held himself up using his elbows. "You seem on edge today. Is it that you just don't want to go because-"

"It's not that..." I cut him off as I stood to my feet. I already knew what he was going to say. Though he was right, I didn't want to admit it. "I just haven't been there in a while is all."

He narrowed his eyes at me, and shrugged. "Then I've got no choice." Throwing himself up, he stood back on his feet. "I'll come with you." He held out his hand and smiled. I couldn't help but smile in return. I took his hand and our fingers locked.


We arrived at my doorstep, and I was hesitant. Alex took the lead as I followed. It was the same as the last time I came. Not a single thing was out of place. "I'll go get my clothes together while just do whatever."

Alex gave a sarcastic tone. "Whatever? Really?"

Shrugging, I responded. "Look I don't know. I'll be down after I'm done."

As I ran upstairs, the sound of music started ringing in my ears. What's going on? Opening up my door, some guy was dancing in their boxers and as he turned, our eyes met and we both shouted. I instantly shut the door and backed away. That was...Jake. That's right, I completely forgot I let him stay here then. Great, this is not what I had in mind..

"Hey, what happened?" Alex came running up the stairs. I covered the embarrassing look on my face and shook my head.

"Nothing...look, let's just come back another time ok? It's not a rush or anything..." I tried pushing Alex back downstairs but he stood his ground.

"Serine, what's wrong with you?" The door opened behind us and I shut my eyes letting out a disappointed sigh. Boy I'm in trouble...

"Hey, what's wrong with you? Barging in like that?" Jake came out fully clothed, a bit peeved.

Stepping in front of me, Alex held his hand out holding me back. "Who the hell are you? This isn't your house?" As he walked forward, Jake also approached. Man, I didn't want to have to do this..

I rushed in between them and stopped them in their tracks. "Enough!"

Alex gave me a confused look. "Serine, what-"

"Serine? Serine..Serine..." Jake repeated my name. "That sounds familiar...Hey! You're that chick from before!" He clapped his hands and pointed straight at me.

Before I could answer, Alex spoke again. "You know this guy?"

"No...I mean yea, we met that night you disappeared, before I had that dream." I sighed and continued. "I was originally going to get my clothes then but he showed up and, I'm sorry I didn't tell you about any of this. It's just, it never came up...and I eventually just forgot I let him stay here." My head's starting to hurt.

"You forgot I was even here? Psh. How rude."

"You're one to talk!" I snapped back at him. The memory of him pinning me against the wall and pointing that knife to me came back. How did I even forget that in the first place?

He got in my face, and Alex pushed him back. "How am I one to talk?"

"You're the one who shoved a knife at my face! Or did you forget?" I didn't realize until after I said it that it was the wrong time and place to...Alex grabbed him by the shirt and threw him up against the wall. "Alex, don't-"

"What's your deal!?" Jake shouted out as he brought his arm up, folding his fingers into a fist. Alex took a hold of it and gave it a tight grip. "Who the hell are you anyways? This doesn't have anything to do with you."

Alex sneered as he got in his face. "That's my girlfriend you waved a knife at. So if you think this doesn't have anything to do with me, you're highly mistaken." I ran up taking a hold of Alex's arm.

"Calm down, Alex." I pulled his arm a little and he released Jake. "Let's just grab my stuff and go." He gave Jake a dirty look, and I pushed him toward the door. Jake lashed out and threw a punch at Alex, but as it turns out, I was in the way and got knocked in the face instead. I screeched as I fell back to the floor. I'm really starting to regret coming back...and it isn't because I was just punched in the face..

Clenching his fists, Alex grew furious and socked him right in the eye. Jake grunted as he hit the floor. My hand was grabbed and I was pulled to my feet. I felt the side of my lip begin to swell.

"Man, what a pushover." Jake mumbled to himself as he go up. "Just get out of here already."

"Gladly. Come on Serine." Gripping my hand, he started leading me downstairs right up until Jake had to open his mouth again. This personality of his right now really wasn't helping...why couldn't have been his joyous self today? Just today!

"Hey, buddy. Why don't you leave that girlfriend of yours here. This is her house after all." He came up and took my other arm. "Come on, what do you say?"

Alex gritted his teeth but before he could react, I pulled my arm away from Jake's grip. "As if! Why don't you get that personality of yours checked?" I may have went a little overboard, but my emotions lashed out. "It's seriously annoying! You practically threaten me, then you act as if nothing happened. Now I get punched in the face and you're wanting me to stay with you? I don't care if this is part of your split personality or whatever that you can't help, you can at least try to be more civil about it!" Storming off, I pulled Alex downstairs behind me. I stopped in front of the door, just standing there. This isn't like me at all... When have I ever lashed out like that? Why did I just now?

"Serine?" Confused, he placed his hand on my shoulder and I brushed it off without realizing. "Hey talk to me." He grabbed my arms and turned my body facing him. "What's wrong?"

Looking over at the direction Caden's room was in, I began thinking about long talks we had when we were little. Times where I'd be upset, and he'd be there to comfort me, encourage me. I wanted to see him again, if only just one last time..."Before we leave, I want to see my brother's room." I knew it would hurt, that the pain in my heart would only grow, but it was the closest thing I had to him. Alex pushed his lips together, and nodded. As we approached Caden's door, I heard footsteps running down the stairs.

"Wait, don't go in there!" Jake's words got to me to late and I thrusted the door open. My heart bursted and my eyes shot wide open as I saw his room in complete shambles.

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