Chapter 35

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So wound up in my drawing, I didn't even notice the bell ring. It was as if my mind was in another world. I felt my body begin to shake, and then my attention was broken when a hand slammed against my desk.

"Hey, get the hell out of my seat." Without looking up at the guy, I gathered all my stuff quickly into one pile.

"Right, sorry." As I stood and turned, I bumped into someone else. I looked up and noticed it was the same jock from before, Derek.

He looked down at me and narrowed his eyes. Derek scoffed as he walked passed me, purposely bumping into my shoulder. "Don't think I've forgotten our little excursion from before." The words faded as he passed, and I went running out the door. Another school bell rang and I was surely tardy for my next class.


Lunchtime came around and I laid in the grass at the front of the school just like any other day. Alex hadn't shown up. I wonder what he's up to? What made him so wary of me all of a sudden...could it have been what he talked to Alek about? I guess I won't know for sure until later on today.

Closing my eyes, I tried to focus on that image again. Maybe the rest of the image will become clearer. Alex and Zander both appeared once again, this time Zander looked more like he was watching Alex rather than fighting. Alex looked in pain, unable to fight back. But why? I focused harder, and a third presence showed in between the two. Who is it? My body began to tense, and the figure began to fade. Relaxing my body a bit, I concentrated on that shape alone. As my body relaxed, the image became clear. I see it! But that's...

My body was jerked up off the ground, thus the image disappeared. "What the hell's your problem?" So ascertained on that image, I shouted out angrily unaware of what was going on.

"Look who grew a back bone." This voice, I realized it was Derek's. "How about we have a little chat, huh?" He dragged me by the arm toward the back of the school.

Taking a hold of his hand, I tried pulling it away. "Let go of me, I don't want anything to do with you!" Derek stopped for a second and without hesitating turned around instantly punching me in the face. From the impact, my body began falling to the side, but he just pulled me right back up. "What is your problem?" Stating again, I panted resting my other hand over my cheek.

When we reached the back of the school, he pushed me up against the wall. "I don't care if you're a damn girl or not! I really hate pricks like you!"

"What have I ever done to you?" I shouted out, beginning to lose my cool. Derek took a hold of my collar lifting me up off the ground.

"You're so damn annoying! Just shut up already!" And with that he released my shirt collar punching me again simultaneously. I screeched out from the pain, and even louder when I hit the ground. He stood over me with a killer intent. Turning my body over, I looked up at him. His eyes shouted anger. Derek kicked me in the stomach repeatedly, and I was unable to even move out of the way. "You should just hurry up and die!" Before he could kick me again, he was stopped and thrusted into the ground. Wrapping my arms around my stomach, I looked up and saw Alex standing over his body.

"Stay away from Serine! The next time you lay a hand on her, I promise I will fucking kill you!" He punched him in the face at such an impact a few of his teeth came flying out. Alex stood straight on his feet, and came over to me. Wrapping his arms around me, he took me to the nurse's office. In a flash, I was set on the bed that resided there. "It looks like the nurse is out to lunch right now, so we'll just stay here until the bell rings."

I wiped the blood off the corner of my mouth. Alex took a hold of my hand and kissed the back of it. "I'm sorry I wasn't there, I-"

"Was avoiding me?" Pulling my hand away, I interrupted him. "Don't try to deny it. You've been avoiding me all day, unable to even look me in the eyes. Even now, you can't look me straight in the eyes."

Alex grew silent. Again, he looked away from me. My heart began to tear. Why couldn't he just look at me? Even just for a second? "I won't deny it." He admitted quietly. Before he could say another word, I stood to my feet.

"Then do me a favor, and leave me alone for the rest of the day." Walking away, I hid the tears shedding from my eyes. If he was going to avoid me, I'd rather not be so close to him that it would hurt even worse. He grabbed my wrist turning my body. His eyes widened a bit as our eyes met for the first time.

"Serine, you..."

My body suddenly had a mind of its own, jerking my arm away. The intention of yelling at him wasn't what I wanted, but it was like the words I spoke weren't even me. "Just stay away from me, and don't come near me again!" With no control, my legs ran out of the room and down the halls. I couldn't stop. What was happening to me? My emotions and my body are going haywire, I can't control them. The tears won't stop falling. It's as if I'm breaking down into a complete mess.


As my legs raced each other, I wound up far from the school. They ended up giving up and the sudden weakness in my legs gave in, leaving me stumbling to the ground.

To be honest, I still don't understand why I ran all the way out here. And to the middle of the desert of all places. Also, why did I even yell at Alex like that? I just don't understand! This...this all must be Zander's doing, it has to be! Dammit! My mind is completely lost..


I noticed the sun beginning to set when my eyes finally dried out. I guess I cried out all the tears I could. A stinging sensation filled my eyes. It really hurts, but this pain won't go away just from rubbing my eyes. All I can do is let them rest and eventually it will just fade away.

Standing to my feet, static spread through my legs giving them a tingly feel. They must have fell asleep after all this time.


That's right, Alek was wanting to talk after school. That was about three hours ago...give or take. I wonder what Alex is up too, if he's even worried about me. Could he be out looking for me? After the way I blew up on him, I wouldn't blame him if he wasn't. Well, no sense in wasting even more time, I should probably head back.

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