Chapter 13

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I woke up feeling warmth around my body. With my eyes opening, I saw a furry blue blanket wrapped around me. Did Caden put this on me? I found myself smiling knowing that he was looking out for me. Grabbing my phone, I looked at the time. It was already 10:23, but before I reacted, I read underneath it; Saturday, September 21. I could sleep in for another hour if I really wanted too, but instead I went downstairs to make myself some breakfast.

Walking into the kitchen, I noticed a note on the fridge.

Hey, didn't want to wake you up! I'm heading out to finish decorating for the dance. Should be done around 4. -Caden

The dance. It was exactly one week from today. Knowing Caden, he'd probably try and convince me to go just because it's my last year. I sighed as I removed the note placing it on the table.

Being the basic-eater I am, I just poured myself a bowl of Fruity Pebbles and devoured that. It was enough to fill me up for a while.

Walking back to my room, my eyes landed on the front door resulting me to stop. That night with the tracking demon replayed inside my head. As I reached for the door knob, I was thrust to the side with only seconds prior to that explosion. I never did see what happened to the door and the wall, but, now that I think about is it in perfect condition now? I didn't even realize it until now.

Placing my hand on the door, I thought about Alex. Could he have fixed this all? Dragging my hand down, I felt the hardened wood rub against my fingers. So lost in thought, the door bell rang startling me. I screamed as I jumped back falling to the floor.

Taking a couple deep breaths, I swallowed hard and stood up. Quickly turning the doorknob, I opened the door. I bit my lip when I saw Alex standing right in front of me.

"Yo." He gave a little wave as he smiled.

I let out a small laugh, feeling relieved. A spark of happiness filled my heart causing me to suddenly feel nervous. "Hey." I stood there, completely fazed. Staring at him.

Alex raised his eyebrows at me, and gave a snide smirk. "Are you just going to stand there all day?"

Snapping out of my loop, I shook my head. "Sorry...uh, I'm just surprised. Come in." Escorting him in, I opened the door more and stepped out of the way.

"I think I prefer just popping in." He joked looking around. "It's much easier that way."

"Yea, I'd prefer you don't." Closing the door, I turned in Alex's direction.

"Why? Because me ringing the doorbell is less surprising?" Laughing, he faced me. "Don't try to deny it, I heard your reaction."

Of course he did. Now I feel like an idiot. "That was a...a misunderstanding." I stammered on my speech trying to find the words to say. "I was just...lost in thought. And the bell sort of...came out of nowhere."

"Sure, sure. Play the blame game all you want." Alex flicked me on the forehead as he gave a smile of amusement. "You're not fooling anyone."

Rubbing my forehead, I gave a snappy remark. "I'm serious!" Bringing my tone down a bit, I continued. "Anyways, what did you come here for?" Not that I was complaining, I was happy to see him. Curiosity just got the best of me.

"I was out searching for tracking demons. So far none have shown up. After Zoey's visit, I just can't seem to sit still." He looked away from me, hiding his face. "So, I just thought I'd check up on you was all."

He was worried about me? That last statement made me automatically smile. "Thanks, everything is fine and dandy here." At least, for now.

Alex rested his hand on my shoulder. "Good, then I'll be on my way." As Alex started to walk past, sliding his hand off, I had just remembered.

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