Chapter 80

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After Serine Met Alex


Pulling up to the driveway, all I could think about was what could be causing Serine to seem so alert, and distant? Then again, she has for a few years now, but this is different.

Serine followed behind me inside, and she pushed her way past me and up to her room.

"Serine, wait!" I called out to her as I ran up behind her. She slammed the door shut and I stopped when I reached the door way. "Come on Serine, you said you would talk to me."

She replied, her voice so distant. "I-I know....I'm sorry...I, thought I could say it but I can't..." I was quiet for a moment, unable to think of what to say.

"So, that's it then." I finally gave an answer. "I should've known you would've just avoided talking to me again. I'll leave you be then." I walked away without waiting for a response. I threw myself on the couch just staring at the ceiling for a while. I just wish she'd open up to me more like she used saddens me that things turned out this way.

Maybe I should just stop trying to reach out to least let her come to me if she really wants. It seems as if whenever I try, I just end up becoming a burden.

My stomach started growling and I shot my body back up. I should get something to eat. I'm kind of hungry for pizza.


Knocking on Serine's door a couple times, I got no answer. "Serine, you awake? I'm coming in." Walking in, I saw her sleeping on the bed. I went over, waking her up.

"Serine, wake up. I bought us some dinner." Her eyes opened, and I helped her sit up. She held her hand against her forehead, and I just had to ask. "Are you alright? Today you haven't really been yourself. You're here but your mind is elsewhere."

She shook her head a bit, her Voice groggy. "I-I'm sorry...Caden, I-"

"If it's about what you wanted to tell me, you don't have to." I cut in, getting up. Turning toward the door, I continued. "I thought about it while you were sleeping. I'll stop meddling with your life. You'd probably be happier that way anyways." And I left without another word.

"Caden, wait!" She called out to me, but I kept walking. I didn't know what she was going to say, and I just had no other words. All I could think is that Serine just needs more time...right?

I decided to get my mind off things, watch some cartoons. They always managed to clear my head somehow. Scanning through the channels, I came across Courage the Cowardly Dog and turned it there. Before taking a seat, I fixed myself a plate of pizza planning to sit around for the rest of the night.


Serine came down and walked over to the TV. She stood there for a minute, taking a deep breath, and then the TV went blank.

"Hey, I was watching that!" I yelled as Serine turned facing me a little nervously.

"You remember those drawings I did as a kid..." She swallowed hard. Continuing, she hesitated. "You asked if I saw those images again."

Raising an eyebrow, I grew confused. "Yea, what about them?"

She looked more nervous than she did a second ago. Did she really start seeing them again? " wasn't that I saw the images, I guess...but more like they...became reality."

Serine lost me. "Huh? What do you mean a reality?"

"That, I'm not sure how to put it into words..."

Thinking about it for a second, I put the words together, thinking back to that night. "Are you saying you may have had a run-in with one of the characters you drew?" I felt uneasy, thinking that she might've, but, I had to ask. "I mean, that sounds crazy, but if it happened, then there must be some kind of connection." I hated to possibility, but if it happened...

Serine looked at me with a strange expression, like I was the crazy one. "What do you mean by, connection?"

I shrugged, setting my plate down next to me. "Well, I know you were always against it, but what if I was right. What if the images you saw were pieces of the future."

"T-that's not it?"

Shrugging again, I answered. "Who knows. Or, maybe perhaps it's just pure coincidence."

"I thought you never believed in coincidences."

I stood to my feet laughing out loud. "I don't. But you probably believe in coincidence more than future visions right?" I went up to her placing my hand on her head. "Don't worry. We'll figure it out." Hopefully, it's just a misunderstanding..

Smiling at me, she nodded. "Alright."

I quickly kissed her on the top of her head smiling back at her. "How about we forget about this for a while and have ourselves a movie night?" I figured something would be better than her having to think about this all night.

"I'd like that."

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