Chapter 32: Wandless Magic

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(Anwyll's view)

I was seated next to Holden who stopped dancing earlier to catch his breath when something caught my attention. 

 I looked around the ballroom in the hopes of locating my younger cousin Lucy, she'd left the room while we were all chatting and slipped outside.

 "Has Lucy come back in yet, Holden?" I asked, while fidgeting with the sleeve of my green suit.

 "Not yet." my cousin replied as he tore the itchy ruffles off from around his neck.

 "She must've needed a breather, she's fine Anwyll." he replied, as he sent me a small smile before the doors to the balcony opened and Lucy walked back in.

 "I was getting a little concerned about you luce." I said as she joined us on one of the large sofas in the corner of the ballroom. 

"I'm fine Anwyll, but I need the three of you to listen to me. there's something important that I must tell you." Lucy said, as she sat down between myself and Holden. 

"Like it or not we're going to need the rest of our cousins for what I'm about to tell you." Lucy said, earning a groan of annoyance from Draco and Holden. 

"I know not all of us get along, but we're still family. weather we like it or not." she said, rolling her eyes at Holden and Draco's reaction.

 "You're right Lucy, we're family, and we look out for one another." Draco said, as we all looked to our cousin who took a deep breath before telling us everything she'd learned about her mother's family, by the time she had finished we all looked at her at a loss for words as our minds tried to process the news that our cousin had just revealed.

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