Chapter 17: Calm before the storm

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Regulus stood at the window half hidden by the curtains as he watched the birds flying circles in the afternoon fog before flying off.

"There's something outside, and I'm going to find out what it was." he said as he went to go outside when his arm was grabbed by Dimitry who had tears falling down his cheeks.

"Please be careful." he whispered as he squeezed his hand to which Regulus gave him a quick smile.

"I will Dim." he said before Dimitry collapsed in a coughing fit causing Regulus to kneel next to him and hug him.

"Shhhh, shhh, it's okay love, breathe." He soothed as tears fell down his cheeks.

Dimitry tried breathing but the motion clearly caused him great pain.

"It hurts." He whimpered and Regulus stroked his hair.

"It's okay, shhh, I've got something that will help you feel better." He said before handing Dimitry the potion.

"Th-Thank you." Dimitry rasped as Regulus helped him drink it. 

"Promise me something Reg." Dimitry gasped as he looked up at his friend with a whimper of pain at the motion.

 "Dim-- I.." Regulus began but Dimitry cut him off with a kiss to the top of his head. 

"Promise me you'll keep yourself and Luci safe." he said and Regulus shook his head as he helped his friend drink the rest of the potion. 

"Just sleep now ok?" he said as he placed his friend on the couch before tucking the blanket over him.

 Dimitry weakly nodded before his eyes closed and he drifted off into a deep sleep.  

Regulus stood in the doorway a minute longer before quietly closing the door behind him as he made his way out of his friend's room and downstairs to the kitchen where his mother and father in law sat at the table listening to the radio. 

"Oh, hello dear." his mother in law greeted as she went to stand up then smiled as he hugged her.

 "Are you both alright?" Regulus asked as he draped a blanket over both of them before smiling at them fondly. 

"We're fine honey, don't worry." Rose Von Archer assured her son in law as she patted his hand.  

Regulus smiled before beckoning the two boys over who both looked at him curiously as they neared.

 "Yes Mr. Black?" Anwyll asked as he and Michael looked at the man in front of them.  

"It's time to go boys, there's revenge to be dealt." Regulus said as his gray eyes seemed to darken slightly in the lights the way smoke would after a fire.

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