Chapter 6: Go Time

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"Shhhh, be quiet this isn't going to work", said a soft girls voice from inside the grand hallway in Hogwarts.

"Be quiet yourself, we said no talking", whispered a deeper mans voice.

"No one is talking except for you," added a third voice.

Three shadows slinked swiftly down the hall looking around warily to see if they were being followed.

The largest shadow moved toward a door with a sign over the top that read, Professor Miniverva McGonagal.

"Quickly now, the time turner is in here", said the man voice who produced a small skeleton key from his pocket, he popped it into the lock and said "Veritas", and the door opened.

"Inside, now quickly before we're seen." the boy whispered, as he pulled the girl and the other boy into the dark room.

"We need to act fast, now someone grab the time turner." the girl whispered, as she and the boys exchanged smiles.

"Right, let's go." the boy whispered as the three of them crept forward and ducked behind the desks.

"Lu, you're up." the dark haired boy whispered urgently, glancing quickly over his shoulder.

"Hurry up, Black!" the other boy hissed, as they watched her sneak up to the desk.

"Calm your waters, Lestrange." the girl replied, as she crept toward the lowest drawer.

"Alohomora." she whispered, and it opened with a soft popping sound.

"It's open." she said, as she reached in and pulled out the small hour glass on the chain.

"Ready?" she asked, as she put it around the three of their necks.

"Keep your hands in mine, okay? that way we stick together." she said, as they each grabbed one of her hands.

"Hold on," she said, as she turned it three times then held grabbed their hands again.

"Mike?" she asked, and he looked over at her.

"Yes?" he asked, as the three of them shared determined smiles.

"Hold on tight, and don't let go of me." she said, and both boys held on tightly held onto her as the three of them closed their eyes before they became enveloped in a blast of bright light.

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