Chapter 14: Visit

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(Regulus's view)

The next morning after breakfast I made my way upstairs to Dimitry's room and pushed the door open quietly.

"Morning Dim." I greeted kissing the top of his head making him smile before he pointed to a pad of parchment and a green inked quill which I handed to him.

'Good morning.' he wrote before looking at me with a small smile.

"I'm going to visit Luci soon, do you want me to give her anything?" I asked to which he nodded before pointing to a small box which contained a black and silver bracelet.

'Call it a come home soon present.' he rasped with a weak laugh which broke my heart.

"I will, I'll be home after a bit okay?" I said before squeezing his hand gently and turning to go.

'I love you, Reg.' Dimitry rasped with a weak smile and i turned back to quickly smile at him in turn. 'I love you too Dim, always.' I said blowing him a kiss before closing the door quietly behind me.

I gave Kiyi a quick hug before making my way out of the house and down along the pathway that led out onto the beach before apparating to St. Mungo's and signing in.

"I'm here to see my daughter Luci." I said as I looked at the nurse who nodded and lead me down the hallway to the last door on the left before she opened it and gestured for me to go inside.

"Luci?" I asked as I approached the bed where my daughter lay propped up by some pillows. I carefully sat down next to her and kissed her forehead.

"Hi sweetheart." I said holding her hand in mine as we continued to watch the film in silence when suddenly Luci put a hand on my face bringing me out of my thoughts.

"I love you." I told her as I put my hand over hers. 'I love you too, dad.' her mental voice responded which startled the hell out of me and I smiled as fresh tears made their way down my cheeks.

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