Chapter 4: Luci & the dog

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(Luci's view)

That evening as I walked through Hogsmeade on my way to meet Anwyll back at the castle I noticed a head sticking out of the bushes ahead "What the?" I thought as a great black dog emerged and sat down on the path ahead of me.

Something about it seemed oddly familiar to me and I watched as it looked around before it's gaze fixed on me.

"Hello there, are you lost?" I asked as I reached my hand out for it to smell and I approached it.

The dog looked at me a moment it's great tongue lulling out trotting toward me with what looked like a doggy smile on his face.

"Why are you following me?" I asked, as I continued to walk toward the edge of the village.

The dog trotted closer to me and pushed it's great head into my hand.

"What are you trying to tell me?" I asked, as I looked down at it curiously causing it's tail to wag excitedly as it continued to follow closely beside me.

"You really like me, don't you?" I asked as the dog continued to follow me.

"I'm gonna head out soon, but I'll see you soon alright?" I said, and the dog let out a whimper of disappointment before licking my hand affectionately.

"I'll see you later bud." I said, as I waived at it before making my way up towards the castle.

The dog looked at me again then let out a soft howl.

"Shhh!" I hissed, as I hurried over to it quickly and kissed it on the head.

"I'll be back tomorrow, okay bud?" I said, and the dog nodded once before putting a paw on my hand which made me laugh.

"I love you bud, I'll be back tomorrow." I said, before dashing off with a bright grin on my face.

I cast one last glance back at the dog who whined and raised its paw as if pleading for me to stay.

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