Chapter 12: Night Terrors

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That night as Luci lay awake in bed she heard a strange noise coming from the ceiling above her head.

she sat up and wrapped a blanket around herself before quietly making her way out of her bedroom and down the stairs until she entered the living room.

"Luci dear?" a voice asked making her jump slightly as her grandfather approached her.

"Sorry grandpa, I had trouble sleeping and thought i might go walk down by the ocean for a little bit." she said as she hugged him.

"I promise I'll be back in a minute." she said before pulling the door open and slipping out into the midnight air the door slamming shut behind her.

She began making her way down the moonlit forest path the midnight breeze blowing her black curls back from her face as she continued along the forest path before coming to the end and walking out onto the moonlit sands of the beach.

  A snapping sound from behind her made her jump and she quickened her pace before sprinting along the darkened path until she skidded to a halt as the figure of a woman stepped from the shadows.

 "Who are you?" Luci asked as she looked at the woman nervously.

"Why my dear, I'm Bellatrix Lestrange." the woman said in a baby's voice that didn't suit her at all as she stalked toward Luci with her wand drawn.  

"I-I don't know anything about the dark lord, i-if that's what y-you're hoping." Luci stammered and the woman growled. 

"Wrong answer." she hissed before aiming her wand at Luci. 

"Crucio." she hissed and Luci crumpled to the ground screaming as wave after wave of pain washed over her. 

"I'll ask you again child, do you know anything about the dark lord?" the woman asked to which Luci shook her head only to twitch and scream as she was hit over and over by the cruciatus curse until at last she fell silent and looked up at the woman before her.

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