Chapter 30: Family time

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Lucy fixed her hair before tying the ribbon securely to make sure it stayed in place before going to work on getting her high heels laced up as she adjusted the hem of her long dark green and silver dress and fixed her makeup before walking downstairs to greet her cousins as they entered.

"It's wonderful to see you again, Lucille." Lucius Malfoy said as he greeted his niece with a kiss on the forehead.

"It's nice to see you too uncle, is aunt Narcissa here as well?" Lucy said, her smile widening as she caught sight of her three cousins, and she excused herself before running over to them.

"Lucy!" her older cousin greeted her as he hugged her tightly before letting go.

"It's great to see you, Holden." Lucy said as she squeezed his hands in hers before hugging her other two cousins.

"How are you holding up, Luce?" Anwyll asked, as he fixed the ribbon that was coming loose in her hair.

"I'll be fine." Lucy replied with a small sigh before taking all three of her cousins by the hand as her smile returned.

"Would you dance with me?" she asked, as they all broke into smiles their hands holding her's as they began to dance, their hands holding one another's tight as they began to spin their smiles brightening the more they danced their laughter filling the usually quiet ballroom.

"It's been quite a long time since we've seen Holden and Draco this happy." Lucius said with a small smile, as he patted Regulus on the back.

"I hope you're doing alright, losing Roxy must've been hard for you." Narcissa said to her cousin, as she looked him in the eye.

"It was difficult for me to accept at first, yes, but I know she would have wanted us to stick together as a family." Regulus replied with a soft smile, as he took his cousin's hand.

"It feels as if she's here with us tonight in spirit, I can see it in the looks of our children dancing and laughing." he said as he surveyed the ballroom with a smile at being surrounded by his friends and family.

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