"The fuck Grim? We have food back at the dorm. Does it kill you to be a lil patient?" Quiinn scolded the black cat continuously.

"Ah, he’s a monster so he’s probably made differently from us." Ace gave them a bored face.

"Even so, I don’t think that doing this constantly would do him good." Deuce worriedly stated.

"Hm, it’s got a really refreshing and soft kind of taste, yanno?" He said after finishing one of Quiinn's scolding session.

Deuce widened his eyes. "Hey!! Don’t eat anything you just picked up!"

Cater sighed and rubbed his head. "Really now…thank you, guys." He whispered the last part but didn't go unheard by the gray haired girl.

"Your welcome." She smirk.

Cater stiffened and laugh nervously.

"So, here's your reward for helping!" Before Quiinn could do anything, she was surrounded by kisses on her cheeks.

"That's not fair, let us reward you, too." Ace smirk at the gray haired girl and slowly closing the distance between him and her but the two guys behind him didn't have any of it well.

He got smack.

"Kay, I get it! You guys are jealous!" He rubbed his head on where he got smacked.

Quiinn didn't actually know what he's trying to do so she's pondering bout what in the name of fuck face did he trying to do.

Quiinn thought he wanted their nose to touch eachother.

"Oh well."

They started cleaning the trashed place but it takes quite a while to finished it.

"Dearest puppets, care to help?" Quiinn summoned a army of puppets as they said in sync, "Yes, yes~"

And with the help of the puppets, they managed to finished it in one day.


Today, Quiinn decided to go visit Riddle so, that's what she's doing now
With a bag in her hand.

On her way to the infirmary (dunno if he's in the infirmary or at his dorm so I go with infirmary), she stumbled upon the two idiot and Grim decided to hang out with them.

When she reached his room, she knocked on the door three times.

"Come in."

And she barges in with a smile whilst calling out his name.



She ran to him and greeted him with a hug.

"I missed you!" She said as she nuzzle his cheek.

Riddle felt the heat crept up to his face as he tries to stay alive throughout all the hug and nuzzle she gave him. "Q–Quiinn..." Riddle muttered her name out of embarrassment.

"Ah, right. Sorry." She rubbed her head and sat down by his bed.

"So, how have you been?" She asked as she put down her bag on the floor.

Quiinn [Twisted Wonderland X FEM!OC!]Where stories live. Discover now