"I would follow you anywhere"

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"I would follow you anywhere"


We entered the castle quietly, our footsteps echoing through the emtpy hallways I hadn't seen in so long. I let out a shaky breath, and I watched Draco's clenched jaw as we walked up the stairs.

They were just as nervous as me- I could feel it.

"Luna!", a gentle voice yelled from behind, and she quickly turned around. A broad smile appeared on her face, and I watched her eyes light up at the tall boy standing down the hallway with his arms wide open,

"Neville!", she whispered loudly, there was so much excitement in her- her voice was full of it. Draco and I locked eyes for a mere second while she ran into Neville's arms to hug him tightly.

She didn't have many friends here, we both knew that, but the ones she had were family to her. And she would never miss a chance to let them know.

They didn't dare to let go of each other, and Neville's hands held her back steadily- it reminded me of the way Draco would always hold me-  in a way that convinces you that his arms were designed to hold you.

Draco slightly leaned down to me, keeping his eyes on them, "I think we should let them have their moment.", he whispered carefully. It was only after that sentence that I came to realize how much she must have missed him.

I was so caught up in the fear of losing Draco, that it didn't even cross my mind that she had people waiting for her, too- people she had left behind. And suddenly I came to wonder how many times she had cried at night, in the missing of him, without us noticing.

I realized how her pure heart always made it seem like she was weak and fragile- but she wasn't, she was stronger than any of us could have been.

She knew we needed her to be there for us, we needed her to find our way back to each other. And without her, none of us would have made it.

And finally, right there in his arms, she was allowed to be weak again. She was allowed to break, and she did. Her head was pressed against Neville's chest, and she started crying into the fabric of his sweater.

We stood there quietly, and we could only imagine what kind of love they had for each other-  the way they held each other looked familiar, it reminded me of us.

Draco's hand found mine, as if he had just thought the same thing, and he slowly dragged me away. Their voices became quiet as we walked away from them, I smiled to myself while Draco's arm rested on my shoulders.

We finally had each other.

"Do you want me to come with you?", he muttered as we walked around another dark corner, and I looked up to him, "Where?"

"I know you wanna see him.",
I knew who he was talking about, and he was right. George was the first person I wanted to see after all of this. I needed him to know that I was fine, that he didn't need to worry anymore.

"George?", I asked bluntly, while we had already reached the Gryffindor house, "You really would come with me?",

He nodded, and their dorm was already in sight, "As long as your hand is in mine-", he lifted our hands, and I watched our fingers intertwine further, "I would follow you anywhere."

I breathed out a chuckle, grabbed the back of his head and pulled him closer. Our lips collided while his thumb stroked the back of my hand. I could feel our hearts beating against each other, and somewhere between the cages of our chests, there was so much love.

Ink / Draco Malfoy (18+)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt