"I'm sorry."

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"I'm sorry."


After Draco had disappeared in the crowds, Hermione walked up to me with the weirdest look on her face

"What the fuck was that?!", she pulled me out of the room and stared at me until I started talking.

"I don't know, what do you mean?". I started panicking because I really didn't want her to know, but on the other hand she would have figured it out sooner or later anyways.

"Come on Liv, don't be silly. You know what I mean."

"Please, it wasn't a secret that Cedric has a crush on me.", I shrugged my shoulders as I tried to walk away, but she kept pulling me back.

"I'm not talking about Cedric. What the fuck was that with Malfoy? I thought you guys hated each other!"

I just stared at her while scratching the back of my neck, hoping she would give me some time to think of an answer.

"Liv!", she yelled.

"Okay fine, he kissed me a few weeks ago, but it's not a big deal."

Pretending I didn't care was torturous. I nervously looked around, hoping she would believe me, hoping that she wouldn't tell anybody.

"He kissed you?! You're telling me that Draco Malfoy kissed you?!", she yelled in disbelief, slightly giggling.

I kept smiling to myself, imagining the way she would react if I told her what else had happened between us, but I decided to keep it to myself.

"Could you please stop yelling? I really don't want anyone to find out." I pulled her away even further, making sure no other students were near us.

"And?", she raised her eyebrows in curiosity, "How was it? Tell me everything!"

"Hermione!", I slightly punched her shoulder, but then I ended up telling her every detail about the kiss. I didn't mention our feelings towards each other, but I told her about the tension between us.

The best part about it was that she never judged. I knew she hated him more than anything in the world, but she was still excited for me. I catched myself smiling everytime the sound of his name fell off my lips and she seemed to notice.

"So he hurt Cedric out of jealousy?", she asked after a while of talking.

"No.", I smiled down, touching my wrists the way he did an hour ago, "I think he hurt him, because he didn't stop kissing me when I told him to."

"Ohh..", Hermione let out under her breath. We both knew it was wrong of him to hurt Cedric like that, but he was the one who saved me.

We spent the rest of the night outside, sitting on the stairs and watching the stars. The way she spoke, smiled and moved was just beautiful- talking to her felt like going home for a while.


Draco and I started talking more often after the party, but we never talked about the things that happened. I knew he liked being around me as much as I liked being around him, but it was still hard to have a normal conversation.

I didn't know If he liked me the way I liked him. I didn't know what it was, what we were, but I knew that everything inside me was desperately holding on to him whenever he was around.

After dinner roughly one week after the party I heard a knock on my door as I was doing my potions homework,

"Come in.", I said, expecting it to be George or Hermione.

After that person kept knocking I let out a sigh and walked to the door. Right before I opened it I heard Cedric's voice,


I opened the door and looked at him with a straight face. He had a black eye and some bruises on his cheeks, but still the first thing I noticed were the dark shadows under his eyes.

"Can we talk for a second?", he asked politely.

I looked up and down for a while before I took a deep breath,

"Come in.", I opened the door even wider to invite him in. He stepped into my room carefully and then looked around. As he noticed the drawing of me hanging on my wall he smirked

"That's really pretty. Who made it?", he said as his face pointed towards it. I looked at it again, as if I hadn't spent hours looking at it already - the straight look on my face turned into a soft smile as I shook my head,

"Not important. Why are you here?", I turned to him again as I noticed his shaking hands.

He licked his lips and took a deep breath, before looking at me again,

"I came here to apologize. I don't really remember what happened, but I am so deeply sorry for what I did. I never meant to hurt you or make you feel uncomfortable."

I appreciated his apology, but being around him was harder after that night.

"Well you did."

"I know and it will never happen again. I don't expect you to forgive me. I just wanted to tell you that I'm sorry and I hope we can still be friends.", he couldn't bring himself to look at me while saying it, but I knew he was being honest.

"Thanks for apologizing, Cedric. I will think about it.", I nodded slightly and gave him a smile, before opening the door.

"Thank you." was the last thing he said as he walked outside and waved goodbye.

I knew I would forgive him eventually, but I needed some time.

I returned to my desk and spent the whole evening doing homework, looking up to the drawing on my wall every now and then, amazed by the way it made me smile everytime.

Ink / Draco Malfoy (18+)Where stories live. Discover now