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I couldn't keep myself from reading those words over and over again, wondering if I was the person he was thinking of while writing them. His handwriting looked so nice, it felt like he put so much effort into it.

After reading it about a million times I put the paper down and took a look at myself in the mirror- at my frizzy hair and the dripping makeup under my eyes. I couldn't go to sleep, not now. Staying in my room was not an option, because in here, my thoughts were ten times louder.

I put on my slytherin hoodie and some shoes. Before opening my door, I said the words under my breath, already knowing them by heart.

I wasn't sure where to go, but I knew exactly where I didn't want to be.

I took a different route than usual since I was scared of running into my friends. I decided to go to the astronomy tower, passing some Slytherin dorms on my way there. I walked around the corner, using my wand to light up the way.

I flinched as a deep voice echoed behind me, "Hey there, little witch.". My heart skipped a beat and I impulsively turned around in fear.


He came closer, his hands were resting in the pockets of his black pants. Soon enough, he came close enough for me to feel the warmth of his body.

Everysince Draco told me about Sam, his presence made me uncomfortable.

"Can't sleep?", he grinned and looked down on my blushed face, "Yeah me neither."

I took a step back and looked down on the ground as I forced a friendly smile,

"Sorry, you scared me a little bit.", I admitted without daring to look up. He giggled softly and I saw his shoes taking one last step towards me.

My back was now pressed against the wall as we were sorrounded by darkness. He leaned over and rested his hand on the wall right next to my head causing me to tense every single muscle.

I had no idea what he was about to do, but I knew that I wanted to get away from him. I closed my eyes while thinking of an excuse to leave, but then his cold fingers were cupped around my chin, lifting my head up.

I was now able to see his dark green eyes, realizing that in the darkness they almost looked like black ink - dangerous, poisonous.

I kept my eyes wide open, not daring to close them - not even blinking.

He licked his lips as his fingers were digging into my chin,


There was absolutely no emotion on his face, nothing humanlike about him.

His smile grew wider before he winked at me and finally turned around. I watched his dark silhouette becoming smaller, until I was finally able to breathe normally again.

My legs were shaking slightly as they carried me up to the astronomy tower - the most beautiful place at night. 

The second I arrived I noticed a familiar scent that had the power to release all the tension in my body.

I squeezed my eyes until I was able to identify the person I saw in the distance. The corners of my mouth started twitching as I remembered the words:

And just for a second

it feels like

your eyes are my home

you are my home.

"Draco?", I spoke softly trying not to scare him. He turned around quickly and our eyes met in the dark before he turned back around,

"What do you want?", my heart started beating faster since I didn't know if I was the only one comforted by his presence.

"I don't know, I didn't expect you to be here."

"Well, I was here first. You can leave.", I heard his harsh voice mubling into the emptiness.

I was just about to do as he said, when something in me kept me from doing it. The words he wrote were ringing in my head, leaving me wondering what they would sound like slipping out of his mouth.

I took a few steps towards the railing he was leaning on,

"No.", I said harshly, causing his hands to tighten around the cold metal,


I don't know how I was able to bring up the courage, but I stepped even closer, causing him to turn around,

"I said no."

He slightly squeezed his eyes as he looked up and down. He was completey still, but his eyes were revealing his confusion.

"I will leave, but only if you tell me what your fucking problem is.", I said confidently. Before giving him the opportunity to answer I proceeded to confront him,

"Why do you treat me like shit Draco? I know you like me, so why are you acting like that?"

For a second I could see a sparkle in his eyes, as if he was starting to tear up a little,

"I'm not in the mood to talk right now."

"No Draco, answer me now.", I roughly touched his arm causing him to turn around and wrap his cold hand around my wrist,

"Because you drive me crazy okay?!", he kept squeezing my wrist as my eyes widened in fear,

"I'm treating you like shit because I can't get you out of my head!".

After he realized what he had just said, his grip around my wrist loosened and he lowered his eyes. He looked around for a second, clenching his jaw until our eyes met again,

"You have no idea how much it takes to stay away from you.",

with that, he stepped away from me again. My eyes started tearing up in confusion from the way his hurt voice said the words I wanted to hear so desperately.

I lifted my arm to rest my hand on his pale, cold cheek, turning his head to face me again. His grey eyes met mine again and for the first time, it was like a part of his soul was staring right at me.

All the anger and rage faded and all that was left was pain in his eyes. I wished I would've had the power to stop the time so I would have been able to look at them just a little longer.

I felt the tension growing between us and it made me feel like this was where we belonged.

I gently stroked his cheek with my freezing thumb, as I moved closer to his face,

"Then don't."

He smiled softly as our lips collided.

Ink / Draco Malfoy (18+)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat