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"What are you thinking about?", Draco asked calmly as he took a tiny sip from his water. The fire was crackling in front of our eyes, warming our knees and shedding light on our skin,

"Goodnight guys, I love you.", Luna yelled from the corridor, interrupting the heavy silence between the both of us. My head snapped to her, even though I could see nothing but darkness behind the sofa we were sitting on,

"Goodnight, love you too.", I said back softly, causing Draco to breathe out a chuckle, "Sleep well Luna."

We remained in silence as we heard the creaking stairs with every step she took. It felt nice, knowing that she was up there. She had some kind of confidence within her pure soul, a kind that makes you feel invulnerable as long as she was around.

"So?", I heard Draco's voice next to me while I was watching the fire,


"What are you thinking of?", he asked again, a bit louder this time. I didn't know what I was thinking of, there was just too much going on in my mind- too much I couldn't really put into words.

He noticed how much I had been thinking, I knew that. But I was too scared to let him know, because everytime I did in the past, he managed to make me regret it.

In my head, he was still the kind of person you tell all your secrets to at night, just to regret it in the morning.

But this was different, he had changed.

"A lot-", I huffed out as I grasped the armrest, "Does George know what happened?", I knowingly kept my voice low,

"Weasley?", he chuckled out, it almost seemed like it made him upset, "You really think we would tell him anything about this?"

It didn't surprise me, I knew how much Draco hated him. Still, I couldn't help but wonder if he was doing alright- or if he was already falling apart in the thought of me being harmed.

"Look, I know you don't like him and all that-", I halted for a second as I watched his eyes darken, "but he's still my best friend and I-",

"You miss him. I know.", Draco hushed me, and I furrowed my brows in confusion, "And I know how much he likes you, I'm not stupid."

My lips parted, but I didn't know what to say. The fire lit up again, catching my attention,

"He's probably turning everything upside down looking for you right now-", his pulled up one of his knees, hugging it tightly as he kept his eyes locked in mine, "and he would go crazy if he knew what has happened."

A tiny smile was forming on my lips from the way he was being so brutally honest with me. Draco was known to be a liar, but I could tell when he was telling the truth, his voice became softer than usual.

"He can't know, Liv. It wouldn't be safe for you.", he said bluntly, and he was right.

My sight lowered onto my hands that were folded in my lap, he took another sip of water as it started pouring outside. The flames slowly started making their way up the last piece of wood, slowly consuming every inch of it.

"I know. I'm sorry.", I muttered as my eyes found his longing gaze again,

he shifted closer, "Don't be.", he sighed as his sight traveled through the room and then back to my face again, "I don't really like him, but- but I noticed how you can be yourself around him, and how he makes you feel safe.",

Ink / Draco Malfoy (18+)Where stories live. Discover now