"I need you to be safe."

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Warning: this chapter contains emotional trauma, please read with caution!

"I need you to be safe."


My eyelids flickered from the bright light and it pulled me back to reality. I swallowed thickly, noticing a bitter taste in my dry throat as my muscles tensed- everything hurt.

I kept my eyes shut, I knew it wasn't my bed I was laying in- I felt it. My fingers slowly grasped the silk bedsheets beneath me, a heavenly scent filled my nostrils and then it hit me.

I opened my eyes and blinked hastily from the burning sensation I felt. My entire face was numb, the only thing that kept me steady was the soft fabric moving at the tips of my fingers. My vision was blurry at first, and I noticed a silhouette sitting in front of me. I recognized his blonde hair, the rings on his bloody knuckles and the relieved breath leaving his nose,

I would always recognize him.


"No- don't talk now." he cut me off, harsher than I expected him to. The wooden chair that was usually placed in front of his desk was now creaking from the weight of his body right next to the bed. His elbows were placed on knees, his hands cupping his pale cheeks as he stared at me calmly.

"Are you in pain?", he furrowed his brows at me as I let out a quiet whimper from the burning tension in my legs,

"No-", my tone was softer than his, "No, I'm fine.", I lied as I used all the strength my worn body had left to sit up against the headboard of his bed. His middlefinger tapped his cheek impatiently before he let out an annoyed sigh and slightly leaned forward,

"Don't you dare lie to me.", I could see the tiny muscles on his jaw tense, "Not now."

I rolled my eyes at him until I noticed that his eyes kept wandering down to my hands that I had wrapped around my legs. I didn't dare to move a single muscle because if I did, it would've hurt terribly,

so I looked at my hands. I quietly sucked in a breath when I noticed how bruised they were, my entire wrists were filled with purple marks, leaving my skin covered in fingerprints ranging all the way to my elbows.

I pressed them down softly, curious if they would hurt- and they did.

I paused for a moment, trying to remember what happened. I traced my fingers along my soft skin, and wasn't like it used to be,

I cringed from the memory of his fingers burning into my skin the night before, how his violence was carved into my bones now,

I felt weak, fragile, completely broken.

I squeezed my eyes shut in attempt to shut it all out, but with no use. My thoughts became louder with the unbearable silence around us,

"Why am I here?", I didn't dare to look at him- I didn't possess the strength to.

"Don't you remember what happened?", my chest started moving faster, "Do you remember how he-",

"Don't-", I cut him off, shaking my head in denial, "Don't say it."

I loathed myself for being weak. I couldn't even let him say it, because somewhere- in the depths of my fragile chest- I deeply wished for it to be nothing but a bad dream.

"Just tell me why I'm in your room Draco."

The last thing I could remember was Sam and Draco standing across the hallway, threatening each other with wands in their hands. From the corner of my eyes, I noticed him scratching the back of his head as he leaned back in his chair,

"You passed out. That's why I brought you here.", Draco's voice turned cold again and it confused me. It all made no sense.

It was the boy I've always hated, who I fell in love with. And he hurt me, more than anyone ever had,

by telling me he didn't care. He never cared- and yet, he saved me.

Even now just the simple act of him sitting next to me comforted me so much- yet it made me so angry.

"You know-", I sighed heavily as I struggled to get out of his bed, "you could've just brought me to my room."

As he noticed me struggling, he stretched his arms out to offer help, but then quickly pulled away again. My numb feet touched the wooden floor and I fell over as my weak knees gave up on me.

Before I hit the floor, I felt his hands wrapping around my bruised arm- and I flinched from the sudden contact of his skin against the sensitive marks Sam had left on me,

"Don't-", I shoved his hands off me and straightened my back, "Don't touch me."

My eyes met Draco's grey one's, and they carried nothing but torture. He shoved his hands into the pockets of his black pants without breaking eye contact,

"Sorry. I won't touch you again.", I nodded quickly in response, slightly surprised by how easily he apologized, before turning around and walking towards the door,

"What are you doing?"

I kept stumbling helplessy, wincing in pain with every step I took,

"I'm leaving.", I faced him again, he looked less intimidating than ever before, "got a problem with that?"

"You can't leave now.", he didn't break eye contact once, "Please."

"What do you want Draco? You want me to thank you for saving me?", I rolled my eyes and let out a chuckle to stop myself from crying- I couldn't allow myself to let my guard down. Not around him. Not again.

"Please Olive just-", he took a step towards me, lowering his eyes, "I need you to be safe."

And I believed what he said, I truly did. All I ever wished was for him to save me and to let me save him. All I wanted was to fall asleep with the sound of his heartbeat, knowing that it beats for me.

but everytime I allowed myself to do that, I came back a little bit more broken than I was before.

I loved him- and by a look into his eyes I could tell that a part of him loved me back,

but he was too broken to be capable of loving.

"My safety is none of your business.", I opened the door slowly, still fighting the urge to just give in,

"You don't care about me, Malfoy. And I couldn't care less about you."

I shut the door and walked back to my room, thinking about all the lies I had just told.


Hello loves! <3

What are your thoughts on this chapter? I will update in about three days,

love you all!

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