"A chocolate muffin"

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"A chocolate muffin."

The second I looked into his grey eyes his lips arched into a warm smile, and he stared right back at me with both hands still resting on my shoulders. As I let out a shaky breath, his hands moved up the side of my neck, eventually resting on my wet cheeks.

"Can you breathe again?", he mumbled as his thumbs gently wiped away the tears under my eyes and I nodded quickly. The way he looked at me made me forget about everything else, I couldn't even remember why I had been panicking-

all I knew is that he was there with me, and nothing else ever really mattered.

"I'm sorry-"

"No-", he cut me off harshly as I just started breathing out an apology, "Don't you dare apologize."

He furrowed his brows and I immediately looked down in embarrassment - I felt bad for being in constant need of salvation, for having him so close to me after all.

"Can you stand up?"

I swallowed thickly as I pushed my palms on the cold floor to support myself. With a painful sigh I pushed my back off the wall I was leaning against, preparing myself to get up,

"I think so.", I didn't know whether I was capable of getting up without fainting, but he made me want to try. I slowly leaned forward with his hands supporting and following every movement I made.

I stood on my feet in front of him, bending slightly forward- straightening my back would have required too much strength, and I didn't have any of it left.

His hands grasped my arm softly as I let my back collide with the wall behind me, "Be careful", he let out a shaky breath, expecting me to fall apart any second. He looked around nervously, uncertain whether to help me or not, until he slowly reached for my wrist and lifted my left arm to rest over his shoulders.

The way I had to reach up for his shoulder caused a stinging pain in the muscles within my ribcage, completely worn out from the heavy breathing. I winced a little, and his grip around my waist became tighter as he noticed.

My tired bones ached from walking and every spot he touched hurt terribly, but I wouldn't have wanted it any other way, because it was him.

The fact that those hands on my body belonged to him made the pain bearable.

I concentrated on placing one foot in front of the other, but it was mostly him guiding me. I stumbled every now and then- and he caught me everytime.

We walked to the classroom we had left in utter silence, and as we reached the door he just kept walking. I squeezed his hand a little, causing him to stop,

"What?", he breathed out, and for the first time in minutes I dared to look at him,

"We need to go back, or else Snape-",

"Oh no-", he cut me off as he chuckled to himself, "There's no way you're going back there.", I stared at him in confusion, waiting for him to explain himself, but he just started walking past the door,

"But detention isn't over yet, and I'm okay.", I kept my tone low, I didn't want to upset him in any way. After he kept ignoring me I squeezed his hand again- I wasn't strong enough to stop him since he was the only reason I was even standing on my feet right now,

"Draco?", I tried to get a reaction out of him, and he breathed out through his nose,

"I will handle that, but you will not go back there."

Ink / Draco Malfoy (18+)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin