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"You're alive.", Draco whispered in a raspy voice, grabbing both my arms and studying my smile, "You're alive.", he pulled me closer as he breathed it out again.

"I'm alive.", I muttered heavily into the side of his neck as he wrapped both arms around me. I thought he would let me go after a few seconds, but he didn't. He held onto me as if he hadn't seen me in years.

I was sitting on the edge of his mattress, until he pulled me on top of him with a silent groan. I knew he was in pain, and having my weight on top of him probably made it worse, but that didn't matter to him- he wanted me right there.

"I'm so sorry.", he whispered again, and I started tearing up against his vibrating skin. I held onto him just as much while he said that again and again, and I realized how he had no idea how close I was to losing him.

It amazed me how he had literally been on the edge of dying, and still I was the only thing that mattered to him. And the way his heart pumped under my chest reminded me of Luna's words, of the fact that this fragile heart of his was beating for my existence.

"What happened?", he asked calmly, he didn't move a single muscle while we just embraced each other with every inch of our skin, "Luna.", I whispered.

"Did she-", it took him another breath to finish, but I knew what he was about to ask, "Yes.", I said bluntly. I noticed how his shoulders began to sink, and how his fingers grasped my skin a little tighter,

"I'm sorry I couldn't save you.", he muttered quietly, and I swallowed thickly at the thought of it- how torturous it must've been for him, to helplessy watch as this monster almost killed me. How miserable he had felt, to fail at the one thing he always promised himself to do- keeping me safe.

"You did.", another voice ringed in my ears, and Draco's arms tensed around my torso at the sound of it. I slowly propped myself up to turn around, and we both watched the blonde girl as she walked closer,

"But you killed him.", Draco stuttered as she watched us move apart, "With the spell you taught me.", she added harshly, "So basically it was you who saved her.",

"And you healed me, didn't you?", he slowly crawled back to rest his spine against the headboard, and I let go of him. Luna bit her lip as she rolled her eyes, but I couldn't ignore a hint of pride in her them.

Draco got up with a groan, and he stumbled a little as I watched him step closer to Luna. Her sight lowered onto me, and then snapped back up to him again. He stood tall in front of her, straightening his back as she watched in confusion.

He took another step towards her, hesitant at first. Until Luna sought to speak again, and he weakly fell into her arms. Her eyes widened as his arms were now tightly wrapped around her shoulders.

He wasn't someone to show physical affection a lot- she knew that. And I could tell from the look on her face that he had never been comfortable with hugging her before.

"Thank you.", I heard his voice behind her head, and eventually she gave in to hug him just as tightly, "Always.", she whispered weakly.

I could tell she needed that hug, they both did.

I noticed a tiny smile forming on my lips as I studied them, two of the people I came to love most in this world. How his knees were shaking as he struggled to stand, and how some of her hairs were floating in the air as the wind blew another breeze into the room.

Never had I expected for the boy I've hated with my whole heart, to be the one to win it one day. If only I could have told my past self how much love I would one day hold for this boy, and how every cell of my heart would undeniably and irretrievably belong to him.

Ink / Draco Malfoy (18+)Where stories live. Discover now