"Nightmares and Daydreams"

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"Nightmares and Daydreams"


-the day of the party-

I looked up and saw a tall guy standing right in front of me. The clouds above left no space for the sun to shine through. I heard a thunder in the distance as a cold and empty voice shouted behind my back, sending shivers down my spine

"Do it! Kill her!", I heard a deep, harsh voice echoing through the astronomy tower. I had no idea how I got there, and what was happening- I just knew that I was scared for my life.

"Please don't" I begged the person standing in front of me. I couldn't identify who it was, all I could see was a weird mark on his arm.

"Please I'm begging you!", my desperate calls echoed off the walls- back and forth.

"Don't you understand?" the silhouette whimpered with his wand grabbed tightly in his clenched right hand, pointing straight at my horrified face.

"I have to do this." he mumbled quietly. Whoever that was, he sounded broken and fragile. The last thing I saw was a bright, green light lighting up the dark, forcing me to cover my face in fear.

I woke up sitting straight up on my bed as I felt sweat running down my back. My head felt like it was about to explode and the first thing I grabbed was an empty bottle of water that I kept right beside my bed. I opened the bottle with one hand, rubbing my tired eyes with the other.

My dry throat was desperately longing for water as I was still breathing heavily.

"Fuck!" I yelled into the empty dorm I woke up in, when I realized that the bottle was completely empty. Even though I had just slept for about 8 hours, my body was completely exhausted.

I slowly stood up to fill the bottle with fresh water, hoping that my shaky legs would carry my tired body. I carefully made my way to the bathroom, until I almost passed out over the sink. My arms where shaking in exhaustion and I noticed pearls of sweat forming on my forehead as I looked into the mirror.

My hands on the sink were the only thing keeping me on my feet and still I couldn't help but wonder who that boy was. This was the third nightmare this week and everytime I woke up I just felt empty. I didn't know who that person was, threatening me almost every night, but he somehow seemed to be familiar.

He always sounded so broken, but still not evil. When I looked at this dark silhouette I could basically feel him pulling all the energy out of my body to leave behind an empty soul.

Those nightmares were responsible for my constant exhaustion - the reason why I fell asleep in all of my classes.

It took a few minutes for me to take a quick shower and calm down, until I was finally able to put on a fake smile and leave my dorm.

I headed to the great hall for breakfast even though I wasn't hungry at all. When I entered this noisy room that was so full of people, my heart immediately started racing again. I desperately looked around the hall, breathing heavily, until my eyes finally met his. George's eyes calmed me down and I could finally make my way to the table.

"Liv! Come on sit with us!", Hermione said with the biggest smile on her face as she gave me a loose hug.

"Are you alright?" Fred asked, "I'm not used to being here earlier than you.". At first I was thinking about the right way to answer his question, but then Ron interrupted my train of thoughts,

"Will you be at the Hufflepuff party today?", I already started shaking my head in denial, before I realized that I promised Cedric to be his date for the party.

"Come on Slytherin, we wanna get drunk today!" George touched my arm, flirtingly winking at me.

"Uhh, yes. I will go there with Diggory" I mumbled under my breath, but of course Hermione heard it,

"You're going on a date with Hufflepuff?!" she yelled, almost loud enough to let everyone know.

"Shhh!" I hissed, looking down in embarrassment, "It's not a date, okay? He just asked me to go there together and I said yes. It's not a big deal.", I lied, knowing damn well that it was supposed to be a date.

"Isn't he kinda in love with you?" George asked, until Fred added "Yeah, I heard that too."

The whole table looked at me, waiting for a reaction, but I was just too tired to care.

"See you tonight guys, I have to go!" I said as I stood up without having eaten the tiniest bit, leaving the great hall without looking back.

"Liv!" George shouted worried, but I didn't have the energy to turn around. I had no idea where I was heading, but I wanted to get away from there. My mind was still stuck up on that dream I had earlier and I needed some time alone.

As I walked through the crowded hallway with tears starting to form in my eyes a strong shoulder collided with my chest, causing me to whimper as my back roughly met the ground. Everybody turned around to look at me until a pale hand offered help.

I looked up to see Malfoy's face staring at me, showing no expression at all. I took his hand and he pulled me up within a second. The moment I got up, a strand of hair fell down on my cheeks, not enough to cover up my teary eyes.

This was the first time standing this close to him. His hand was still locked with mine and so were his eyes. He was breathing as heavily as me - his grey eyes were red.

For the fraction of a second I felt our breath syncing as his hand released its grip. We didn't really know each other, but his eyes revealed the tension he carried in his chest, just as I did.

I didn't talk- I silently understood the mess beneath his surface. I felt empathy.

After this second that felt like a lifetime, his eyes wandered around the hallway, noticing all the judgement around us. Then he looked back down on my wet cheeks.

"Don't ever fucking run into me like that again.", he hissed at me while raising his eyebrows, before he bumped his shoulder into mine and left me standing in the crowds.

I turned around and watched him storm off with his hands clenched, showing his white knuckles. On his way out he hissed at a Ravenclaw boy that was looking at him the whole time

"What the fuck are you looking at, Ravenclaw?!", Malfoy pushed him aside and he roughly collided with the floor.

Ink / Draco Malfoy (18+)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang