32. Is It Worth it?

Start from the beginning

"Im not sure, but maybe some notes or stuff that would expose her as being a criminal."

"I hope you would gave me those info, if you had found anything."

He noticed how judgmental my question sounds and immediately got defensive, "Of course I would do that. I would never do anything illegal and selfish like that."

As badly as I want to roll my eyes I had to stop myself. I tried to open the door. To my luck the door remained like last time unlocked. Which is great because Russia would definitely not give me the keys and I surely can't open a door with force.

Entering the cabin I saw the living room didn't changed since last time I was here. Only difference was that I now noticed a couple of dog toys scattered on the floor.

While walking I accidentally stepped over one of the toys. This particular toy surprised me with its squeaking sound. It was a little pig plushi with a torn off leg and tail. I picked it up and decided to take it with me. Maybe I could later give it to the dogs. They are probably hostile against me and I don't want to risk again of being attacked. Let's hope they might be less stressed, if I give them this toy to play.

USA stombed past me and kicked a couple of the toys away from his way. He walked straight to the cupboards in hope to find anything interesting.

I wasn't sure how to feel about letting him to help me. He surely is on my side, but I can't forget that he's one of my suspects. Without a doubt USA lacks on empathy. To think what he would have done to the two dogs if I wasn't there, was prove enough that he doesn't hesitate to kill.

While I inspect the room I started to remember myself about the time I asked him questions about China. He informed me about the victim's drug abuse. What wonders me now because China as a public figure would keep those kind of stuff as a secret.

"How do you know China was addicted to opium?" I asked him.

He turned to me and his behavior showed that he got caught off guard. Seeing his questioning look I explained, "You told me he was a 'junky'. Can you tell me how you found it out?"

His sunglasses made it harder for me to see his reaction, but his pause before speaking meant that he was either unsure or on guard. Later he turned his lips up into a smile and relaxed his body postures as he spoke, "I don't see any reason why this info would help you, but sure I answer it to you. My dear friend China just straight up told me."

Warily I asked, "Just like that?"

USA nodded to which I crossed my arms and responded again more critical, "Don't see it as any kind of insult, but it's very clear that his relation with you was more hostile than friendly. I would appreciate if you tell me the truth."

As expected he raised his arms to his side and shrugged his shoulder with a smile. "What can I say. That's the truth. Take it or leave it."

Not waiting for my answer he turned back to the cupboard and opened the next drawer.

"Did you got this info from UK?"

Hearing my question made him freeze and turned back to me. His smile faltered for a second before he quickly regained himself and answered, "No. She has no connection with him and I would appreciate if we don't get her involved in our conversation."

The man stood more hostile with his hands placed on his hips. He was waiting for my response.

Carefully I weighted my options. I could try to pressure him more, but I'll risk him to snap. Other option would be to end the interrogation, but I won't make any progress.

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