Then Crowley explain in a very difficult way for us stupid students to understand.

"I don’t really get it, though!?"

"Me, too!"

"Basically, he went berserker mode!" I said in a simpler way to them. "And if this goes on... I'm afraid it'll cost his life!" I added.

"His life!!??" Grim said in surprised.

"The other students’ lives takes more priority. I’ll go help with the evacuation! Rosehearts must come to his senses before his magic consumes him. Losing his life is an absolute bad scenario, but even worse is..." He trailed of for a moment.

What do you mean "even worse"? What is more worse than losing a student's life?

There's somethin' sus bout him.

"In any case, you boys go get the rest of the staff and dorm heads to help control the situation–"



We look to the owner of the voice, who was sending an attack to Riddle.



Ugh, thank god his fireball didn't hit the grass or the trees. Or else, it'll make it harder for me to help.

"Descend upon you!"

Multiple lighting crashed down upon Riddle as he screams out loud.

"You insolent little…! What are you doing!?" I laugh. "That's a stupid question. Can't you see we're fighting you?" I raised a brow and smirk at him.

"H-h-hey, what are you guys up to!?" Cater nervously asked us.

"That guy will be in danger if we leave him like that!" Grim continue firing his fireball at Riddle. I then said, "And plus he'll be a danger to others if we let him be."

"I don’t really want him to go out that way. Plus…" Deuce trailed his eyes at Ace, as if asking him to finish his sentence. "I still haven’t heard him say "It’s all my fault, I’m sorry" to me!"

Trey seem hesitant to help but, I can tell. He wanted Riddle back.

He wanted his friend back. He wanted his friend since he's young back. The one who he seek to be his friend. The one who he seek to be his REAL friend. REAL childhood friend.

"Trey, he needs you. Riddle needs you."

I hold out my hand for him to reach. "Come, Trey. Let's save him." I gave him a determined look.

He widened his eyes. "Quiinn, you guys…" He gave it a quick thought and reach for my hand. I smile. "Got it! I can overwrite Riddle’s magic for a short time. When that happens, I’ll leave it in your care. Headmaster, please escort the others to safety."

I pull him by his hand with a smile. He returned it back with a determined one.

I nodded.

"Wait a minute, you guys! That is dangerous!" Crowley stopped us on our track.

We face back at him as Cater agreed with what Crowley said. "He’s right! What are you saying, Trey? There’s no way you can win against Riddle!"

"You never know unless you try is what they say, ain't it?" I gave him a smirk.

"It’s too lame to keep losing to people we challenge!"

"It’s totally not cool at all!" Grim shook his head in protest.

"This is the only way I can think of to make him come back to his senses."

"Yeah...I.." Trey look down at my eyes. I nodded.

"I can’t lose him yet. I… There’s something I still have to tell him!" Trey said, determined.

"Aight, let's give it our all!" I said as I readies myself for the battle.

Cater ruffles his hair continuously, frustrated with our choice but gave up. "Ah, damn it! I get it already. There’s really no other way, huh!" He bring out his magic pen.

Crowley hesitated to move but I gave him a soothing smile.

"Don't worry, I'll take care of them."

"Ah, good grief… I’ll return as soon as I escort the others to safety, so please stay safe, especially you Quiinn, until then, all of you!" He ran out with the students to place them somewhere safe.

"Every single one of you are getting ahead of yourselves… Off with your heads!" Riddle angrily shouted.

"Riddle’s body won’t last much longer. We have to stop him quickly or else…" Trey didn't want to finish his sentence.

"Then we better start now!" I bumped my fist with my other fist.


"Doodle Suit!" Trey cast his unique magic on Riddle as he screams at Trey. "Again…! You’re getting in my way again, Trey!" Riddle angrily stomped his legs in the air like how Paimon did.

"Alright! Riddle’s magic-sealing collar is off!" Grim started firing fireball again.

"Yeah. Finish it off while my Doodle Suit is still active!"


"Is there a limit to this guy’s magic?" Ace said as he panted, exhausted.

Riddle hold the pain as he spoke up, "I’m the only one who’s always right!! If not, then all that I’ve worked for was…!!"

"Riddle..." Trey called out his name softly.

I place my hand on his shoulder.

"Trey, don't. If you don't concentrate, you won't be able to get him back." He seems to have snapped back to reality and apologize.



"Back away, I'll handle the last blow!" I said as I take a few steps ahead.

"Descend upon you!"

A lighting struck down to the redhead, knocking him out at once.

"I was… wrong…? That’s not true… Is it…? Mother…" Is the last words he said before I too, was knocked out.


Monday, 23 August 2021

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