❤️(Not) Chapter 28❤️

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'Hi' is basically thoughts.


It's been a few weeks since Langa won against Adam. We have been going out non stop. Not that I mind of course, it's better than staying inside, alone. I really appreciate Joe and Cherry. I've thought about this many times over, if I never met them I would be lonely here. Here in this town that I would have just moved in. I would never have met Reki and Langa. And Miya...

Shadow, Joe and Cherry were talking before Joe and Cherry decided to fight. Full on fights and pushes. It was unsettling to see at first and got my adrenaline going. When I first saw them do this I absolutely freaked out and pushed the two away from each other. I was worked up and distressed, they stopped immediately. They got me to calm down and explained they did this a lot. After that I tried to ignore it.

It was mid day and we were at a park. Miya and I bought our skateboards but the rest didn't. It was very bright out. We were in the shade talking, listening to music. About Miya, he had his normal green cat hoodie on. "Aren't you hot in that?" I had taken off my sweater and placed it around my waist. My arms were exposed, not like it mattered to anyone, why do people call it exposed as if it was a forbidden act? Anyway I was sitting next to Miya while Langa was blushing (like Joe when he gets drunk) at Reki. Miya was on his phone playing games. "I'm not, slime," Miya said aggressively, tapping at his phone screen.

"I think you are Miya. First of all you're red and you look to be sweating. Maybe you're worked up or something. OR you might be hot like I said." I tugged on his sleeve and pointed at his forehead. "Come on, I'm worried, you might pass out. I literally felt like I was boiling so~ take it off please?"

"Fine!" I think he really needed to take it off because he turned even more red before the fresh air hit him. "Alright done" "I'll hold it for you. You can continue playing." He hesitated before giving me his cat hoodie, I smiled before folding it and placing it on my lap. I leaned forward, watching Miya attack zombies on his phone. "Owari will you be a dear and get me something from the store?" Cherry handed me some money, while fanning his face. He had a nice yakuta despite the hot weather. He made me feel warmer just looking at him. He had his umbrella on the ground to give him shade.

"I think Pretty face over here means something to everyone, right?" "Ugh sus." Joe handed me more cash while Miya murmured under his breath. "Uh sure-" "OOOH~ can you get us something too?" Reki laid his head on Langa's lap. "Like what exactly?" I rubbed the back of my neck. "A slushie, any flavor, you?" He turned his head to Langa. "I'll get the same as him."

I nodded. I stood up from my spot. Miya stopped his game and looked at me. "Miya, why do you go with him? You can help him pick out things and carry them back." I was just handing his hoodie back. "Oh okay, why don't you wrap it around your waist like me. You won't have to wear it again." Miya sighed and did as I said. We took off. Both on our skateboards.


Miya and Owari both proceeded into a store. Owari hasn't been to this store in particular. It was a smaller part of town they lived in. Owari didn't exactly know where to buy good snacks. So Miya came to the rescue. Miya noticed Owari unfocused. He sighed, grabbing his arm, dragging Owari into a small store. Owari holding their skateboard looked around. Owari soon focused on Miya's hand around his. He kept staring without any words. Miya noticed and immediately pulled away, blushing.

Miya beat himself over these types of situations. He felt so much more relaxed when he was around Owari. He didn't mind when Owari was over his shoulder watching him play. Owari didn't mind his rude attitude and actually complimented him. Who compliments a guy? But Miya actually liked it, and Miya was alarmed. He already proved that people leave because they felt inferior to him (not in a selfish way). And it happened twice, and in one instance Owari was with him trying to comfort him. Miya wanted Owari to be proud of him. And laugh with him.

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