🎃(Not) Chapter 29🎃

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Introducing some new characters...

Halloween special~ at the end.

Finished chapter. I might write another chapter for the party..



"Anna, Its almost halloween!" I gripped my phone. I was tempted to run around my room. Halloween was indeed in a week. And being my favorite holiday I decorated my room. Spiders and their homes were decorating parts of my house. But this year I feel like I was going overboard. "Haru, quiet down please. Im also.. Excited." Anna's sweet voice brought me back. "Right im sorry Anna. Are you on your way? How is everything going?" I asked.

A day ago I had the great idea to throw a party. Yeah a party, with just my friends. Im just exicited to see my friends again. Anna, Mr kusanagi, Hoshimi, and Misaki were coming over. Although not for long sadly. The rest of the group stayed to keep things calm. As well Mr. Kusanagi, Misaki and Hoshimi, after they escort Anna.

Anna actually wanted to see me in person, as did I. So I helped them get here for a couple days before halloween. "We arrived at the hotel. Mr Kusinagi is with Hoshimi, Yata didnt want to stay with him." Anna didnt talk much even in person. Actually less in person than on the phone.

But she has changed. We all have. Not to say some of us didnt changed for the better but you can tell sometimes. Most people remember what you do even if you don't.

I didnt know how to deal with that. It was very hard for me. I didnt like change especially if it meant every year or so. I hoped things would calm down. And moving here and meeting Miya, Joe, Cherry, Reki and Langa really settled me down. " Thats good, its late you should head to sleep. I'll call you tomorrow okay?" It was near 12 am, time for S. I heard a hum, she wished me goodnight and ended the call.

I sprinted out of bed to get my skateboard. I was meeting Reki, Langa and Miya at S today. Cherry and Joe had adult stuff to do. Problably sleeping (together). I rode slowly through the empty dim streets. Alert for any sketchy people or cars. I had a orange pumpkin hoodie on. The hood was like Miya's normal cat hoodie. But instead of cat ears and a tail, it had a cut out of creepy pumpkin face. It looked to be glow in the dark but I would say that it was just a bright neon orange. The problem with this hoodie was that it was amazingly comfortable. Didnt let any of the cold fall wind touch me. I felt wind resistant.

I skated to the entrance among others. Some had their regular outfits, which I couldnt believe. Some had upgraded to warmer outfits. I swerved to a stop when I spotted the superhero group. All three having their signiture color. "Miya!" I jumped beside him. "Hey guys, what are we doing?" Reki perked up and waved. "Hey Owari, I think we were talking about skating around a bit before going to get food. Wanna come?"

"Sure, lets go where are we going?" I asked before following Langa who started walking. "We wanna skate down here."

"Ah okay. Well I wanted to ask if you guys were free next weekend?" I asked them hoping that they were. Reki started to think hard. "No i'm free, why?" Miya stopped to do an Ollie. As he landed he continues to skate. "Yeah, I think I'm free too. What about you Langa?" Langa shook his head No. "Okay good! I'm having a Halloween party. Would you like to come? I think you know where I live right?"

Miya nodded. "Will it just be us? Did you ask Cherry and Joe?" I nodded, "Yeah just you guys plus Joe and Cherry. Some other people will come too, I'll introduce you." I haven't asked Joe and Cherry yet. But I'll ask them later I guess. "Hmm your friends? Lol do you even have any?" Miya asked. I rolled my eyes and smiled at the old joke. "Yeah, she's staying over too."

Are We Even Friends, Miya? {MIYA CHINEN}Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora