part thirty-three

Start from the beginning

"no" omega whimpered starting to form tears in her eyes, "we need to get her back" omega cried

"if she is a Jedi they may be taking her to the main star destroyer where the emperor stays a lot, I don't where that is though" crosshair sighed "she could be anywhere in the galaxy"

I stormed out of the room and into the bunk room banging the wall,

"DAMN IT" I yelled falling to the ground and putting my head in my hands, I heard small footsteps approach, I looked up at omega and she had tears in her eyes, we didn't need to say anything I opened up my arms and she walked up to me and I wrapped my arms around her and she sobbed into my shoulder normally I would reassure her but there was nothing I had to say, echo walked in a few moments later

"what do we do?" echo asked

"lets go back to ordmantel maybe Sid can find something" I sighed, he nodded in response.


I slowly opened eyes, I tried to move but I was stuck I looked around and saw I was strapped down to something, some troopers walked in,

a tall dark figure wearing a full body suit and was breathing heavily came in, Anakin, its Anakin

"tell the emperor that she is here" he said

"Anakin?" I said

"Anakin is dead, I destroyed him" he said

"the emperor said to start" a trooper said

"okay, I will send an inquisitor in to monitor and make sure she doesn't die, the emperor wants her alive" he said walking out, I can't believe that was once my friend, how could someone turn him into this.

"okay you heard him lets start" a trooper said before I started being zapped, an intense pain immediately covered my body, I screamed out in agony,

"again" the trooper Said.


I ran into Sid office barging through the door,

"Ella has been taken by the empire, please see if you can find anything" I panted frantically

"It's called knocking and okay I will have a look" she said then doing some clicking on her data pad

"All I can see is that the mandalorian Jedi has been found and that's it, I'm sorry bandana, if I find anything I will tell you" she said

"Damn it" I yelled, echo came into the office

"We should see if Rex can find anything" he said putting his hand on my shoulder 

"Okay" I sighed

We went into the parlour and called him over comms, 

"Hey boys whats up?" He asked 

"Ella has been taken by the empire is there anything you can find?" I asked and his eyes went wide

"I will have a look, you helped me get Gregor so I will help get her back, I will come to ordmantle" he said 

"Thank you captain" I half smiled 



They kept zapping me over and over again each time getting more painful, an inquisitor or whatever they are was in here, 

"Okay stop" he ordered "now lets see if she will crack" he smirked 

"How did you survive order 66?"

"Luck" I choked out 

"Mmm, zap her" he ordered and I got zapped again "You had help didn't you?" 

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