Erendriel's Navy

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"Hoist the sails. Ready the shields. Take up arms. We ready for battle." Silas bellows at the bustling crew. The crew quickly takes action.

Lana pushes a stone into my hand.

I take a closer look and engraved along the smooth flat area is a rune. What does this one do?

"I was saving this for later but if you get between a rock and a hard place smash this in your palm and say spirits give me strength. The rune will activate and give you the ability to control your magic over water," Lana states as she spins the wheel again. The main topgallant studding sail catches the wind. The Western Sea Serpent shoots forward, picking up more speed.

How did she know? Did Sebastian tell her? "How did you—"

"Kellan told me,"

"How long will it last?"

"Less than an hour," Lana states. A frown etched into her lips.

I nod.

Captain Jasper runs up to the poop deck. As he does he yells for Lana to go help Moria with the shields. She yields the wheel for the Captain. Captain Jasper parks me where Lana once was. I grab the wheel to keep it from spinning and pulling us off course.

His hands hold me in place as he provides an explanation. "On my mark, yank the wheel as hard as you can to the left,"

He wants me to do what?

"Can you do it?"


"Silas said you're good at it," Silas is an arse. An arse who I may need to punch, again. If we get out of this alive. I haven't done this since my first day. Let's hope I'm better than day one. It's not like I got the chance to practice. I was kidnapped.

"I guess I can,"

"It's not I guess. It's I can or I can't," Captain Jasper states. He searches my eyes for an answer.

Oh, what the heck. I may as well try. "I can,"

Captain Jasper nods, leaving me to steer the ship. Something I've never done. Not since the time Silas had me try. This will be a challenge.

Spirits save me.

On the main deck, the crew is running around. Tieing down barrels, loosening and tightening sails and setting up weapons. The ones made for magic users. The weapons I can't use. I could if I used Lana's rune. But not for long.

A large spasm of water startles me out of my thoughts. I steal a look behind. In the distance, a ship looms large. My best guess is there less than three miles from us. Another splash comes from the other side of the ship. Then another and another. They're firing at us.

A man on the main deck checks behind us. He swears and yells at Captain Jasper that the navy is gaining. Captain Jasper mutters that we need more speed, and more distance before banking left.

So that's his intent. We make a turn and face the navy front on. It's not a bad plan. But how do we turn fast enough that they don't ram us? Even Sebastian's power over water won't help the ship turn faster than it can.

On the forecastle, Captain Jasper yells for Moria to untie the topgallant staysail on the mizzenmast. Moria raises her arms and chants a spell. Above me, the sail unfurls. The Western Sea Serpent lurches forward. Gaining speed. Finally.

A rumbling comes from the deep. Sebastian yells my name. Well, not my real name. My fake one. And I yell back it's not me.

"Now Sabrina, now!" Captain Jasper yells leaning over to look at the water. At his side, Silas holds his partner's waist. He's keeping the captain anchored. Smart man.

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