
17 1 0

28 Zenith, 13076

"Are you paying attention?" Ryland waves a hand in front of my face. He inches closer. A concerned look on his face.

"Hmm?" I push his face away and look back at the water. 

It's a calm day. The wind has died down a considerable amount. So much so that Ryland has been given orders to use his powers over the air to push the ship. He's making us fly across the motionless water. It's freeing. I spend as much time as I can on deck listening to the feeling.

At the moment he's helping me figure out how far of course we are. Sebastian relieved him half an hour ago. He's using his magic to move the ship. Something I couldn't do if I wanted to. 

Ryland sighs. "Of course, you weren't,"

"Sorry, I've been—"

"Preoccupied," Ryland finishes for me.

It's not my fault Captain Jasper ordered me to figure out how far we were pushed off course. He seems to think that my affiliation with water should help. How wrong he is. If anything Sebastian will be accurate. I won't. I wouldn't be surprised if this is a test. Not surprised at all.


"Now focus on the waves. What are they telling you?"


"Sabrina, Ryland, what have you?" Captain Jasper asks coming down the stairs and to the main deck. He stops beside me. 

I keep my gaze on the water. If I look at Captain Jasper he will have an expecting look on his face. Just like my father did when he was training me. It will only lead to disappointment. I left that behind when I ran here. 

If the captain wants to know he can ask Ryland. Besides this isn't working. I can't figure out how far off course we are. Sebastian can. I can't. My magic doesn't work like that. I get visions, not control over magic. That is not my gift. 

Captain Jasper clears his throat.

Fine. "I am not the best for this task—"

Captain Jasper cuts me off. He asks how far. 

Spirits. He's giving off a no-nonsense atmosphere. Just like my father.

"Miles," I say. I can't get any more exact. My magic doesn't work like that. It's temperamental and crude. It only works in dire situations. Like when I tried to save Silas. I still can't believe I didn't capsize the Western Sea Serpent. 

"Can you be more exact?"


"We were blown 99.5 miles off course," Kellan interjects.

"Thank you, Kellan," Captain Jasper pats my shoulder. "Keep trying. You'll get it."

He doesn't know that. Some people are just magically inept. And I could be one of them.

Thieves, dragons and wind like a hurricane. Fear the changing wind. After the storm thieves stalk the night, in the morn after the red breaks dawn fire will rain from the sky.

Thieves, dragons and wind like a hurricane. Fear the changing wind. After the storm thieves stalk the night, in the morn after the red breaks dawn fire will rain from the sky.


Spirits we've been at this for hours. It's no use I can't give up any more information on the vision. There's simply nothing else. I saw nothing else. These questions are useless. The waves will tell me when the time comes. It's not my will, but the seas.

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