Isle of Agora

17 1 0

7 Neso, 13076

I jolt awake and nearly knock heads with Ryland. The man leans back. Beside him, Otis holds a bucket. That better not be filled with water. I will capsize this vessel if it is.

"What do you want?"

"What do we want?" Ryland stares at me horrified. What happened? "We've been trying to wake you for 20 minutes,"

"You what?" I wasn't that tired when I arrived back on board the Western Sea Serpent. Besides sleep claimed me early last night. As did visions. They were horrendous. The sea churned around us. I slipped on the deck. I tried to regain my balance but to no avail. I was swept overboard and then I woke. 

"You looked dead," Otis holds the bucket closer to his chest. 

"And throwing water on me would have solved that problem?"

Otis pauses his mouth parted as if to reply.

"I didn't think so," I run a hand through my knotted hair. It's a rat's nest. Good spirits, why? 

Where's Sebastian's brush? As if knowing what I want, Ryland holds out the brush. "You might want this,"

I mutter a thank you. Immediately I begin tackling the mess.

Otis clears his throat. Ryland pushes Otis out of the room. As he exits he leans back in. "Captain said he wants to speak with you."

I nod.

This will take at least 10 minutes to remedy. Changing is easy but my hair is a whole other matter. Well, best get to it. In minutes I change into the set of clothes Moria and Lana set out. A white shirt, brown pants, my boots, a beige jacket and a red sash. Then I tackle my hair. 

Outside my shared room Ryland greets me when I exit. He hands me a peeled orange and nods toward the stairs. As I eat, we head above deck. The sweet juice dribbles down my chin. I wouldn't have it any other way. Citrus is worth having at sea and in winter. 

I needed that today. 

"Where are we?" I ask catching a glimpse of what's past the main deck. Or rather what's surrounding us. 

Jagged rocks. Cliffs. Islands. I could have sworn we were in the middle of the ocean when I fell asleep. I'm certain of it. More than certain.

I walk to the railing. Examining the rock formations and cliffs. Fascinating. I've never seen anything like this. 

Ryland leans against the railing. He tilts his head up and suns his face. He takes the moment for himself. "The isle of Agora,"


"You don't get out much," 

I never get out period. "This is the most I've been out. If I was on the coast I'd be consumed by visions or Viviane. Inland I was plagued with fae stoning me,"

"Your own people stoned you?" He sounds so surprised. But he is human. How could he understand the challenges of being mixed? Very few do. Both Sebastian and I were at risk. He left before it got worse for him. 

I wish I left when he did.  

"I'm half-fae. There's a reason there are so few. It was one or the other. Permanently unconscious or have rocks hurled at me," I scowl. At least at sea, Moria found a way to keep Viviane at bay. But not the visions. Being here is my choice. Not someone else's. Mine. "My parents decided for me,"

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