Part One

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Kellen and the Stowaway

17 Zenith of the year 13076

Sabrina's Pov

There it is. The Western Sea Serpent. The ship. The pirate ship. One of the most feared ships in all of Kaladrielion. Simply because of the necromancers. Two of the crew are necromancers. No one knows who but there on the ship.

And now I have to sneak on.

"Alright, Kell you can do this," I mutter to encourage myself. Mother said it's a bad habit but father thinks it's cute. Sebastian is on the fence. Some days it annoyed him. Others he also joined in. That is before he ran away. That was 9 years ago. A day I will never forget.

Now it's my turn. I ran from home. Father wants me to marry some pompous old ass male. Mother doesn't have a say and neither do I. Besides my Father said if I can find Sebastian I can marry the male I love. The male who cares for me. Wyndell. I'm coming.

So here I am. The last known ship Sebastian was seen on.

Some might call this madness but I have to do it. For Wyndell. For myself. For my freedom.

This late at night the crew must be out on the town. There might be a guard or two on watch. But I have the advantage of stealth.

I climb up the side of the ship. Pausing I watch a watchman walk by. He looks the other way as he walks toward the end of the ship. A large splash comes from that side of the ship. Sounds like someone threw something overboard. The watchman runs for the sound.

I use the distraction to make a break for the stairs. If I know anything about ships this will lead into the belly. But I don't end up in the belly of the ship there's more than one deck. Normally there should be another set of stairs in front of this set. But no. Directly in front of me is a wall. Great. On my left there is storage. On either side of the storage are poles and ropes. They tie their stuff down.


On my right, there are white sheets. I don't look inside them. For all, I know someone could be dying in there. Besides, I'm here to find Sebastian, not consul the dying. I press on. Behind the stairs is another set of stairs. These must lead to the belly.

I'm right. These do lead to the belly of the ship. At the bottom, I venture on and head for the partly opened sheet. I pass through and head for the barrels. Thankfully there's a small spot for me to lie low. With the crew out on the town, I shouldn't be found until we've set sail.

Good for me. Unless they decide to toss me overbored. Then I'll be left for dead. Swimming in the middle of the sea is not the way I want to die.

The small space between the ship's hull and the barrels makes for a cozy hiding place. A nice place to rest my eyes...

Ahh. I'm falling. My eyes wrench open.

A human. A blonde human. He's a man. A blonde human has found me.

I must have fallen asleep. His rough hands hold me up by the collar of my shirt. Crap. Shit, that's a bad word. Fuck so is that. Spirits, why.

"Let me go," I demand.

"You're in no place to make demands boy," The man growls. His blue eyes turn steely. He leans in close. So close I can smell the death on him. Holy fuck. A necromancer. "You're coming with me. Jasper will deal with you,"

The man drags me up both sets of stairs to the main deck. Every step of the way I fight him. His grip is too tight. I know for certain I will bruise. It's only a matter of time before they start to appear.

On the main deck, the man hauls me up another set of stairs. How did I not see these stairs yesterday? Another set flank the platform we climb up to. The man drags me between a set of stairs and into a room. Or rather a study.

Sitting behind a desk is another human. A man with deep tawny skin, dark hair and honey-coloured eyes. His jaw is covered in coarse hair. He likely has a strong jaw, like the man holding me captive. Only this man has a different vibe. Kinder. Softer. But I know deep in my gut he's not one to rub the wrong way.

A breeze from an open window wafts his smell towards me. No. He's the second necromancer.

"Now what do we have here?" The man smiles. "A new pet? You shouldn't have Silas,"

"A stowaway Jas,"

"Goody," The man smiles wider. He gets up from his desk and walks towards me. "Hmm, what is your name boy?"

"Sebastian," I state in the lowest voice I can muster.

"Bullshit, your real name," The man growls inching closer. The man grabs my chin between his thumb and forefinger. "Or a better name than that, girl,"

"Sabrina," I spit out. I wrench my chin out of the man's grip.

The man stares. Like he's looking for something. He takes a deep breath. "Kellan!"

Footsteps come from overhead. They run down a set of stairs and to the door. A male wearing a large hat walks in. He stops beside me and the man holding my arm captive.

"How far are we from land?" Wait we've set sail? How did I not notice? This ship is smooth. Really smooth on the water.

"Several miles, Captain. Are you sure you want to return? The general gave a stern warning not to lest we get fired upon," The male announces. I know that voice. It can't be. "It's best we avoid Paeris for a while,"

"We've never shied away from a fight. Lest we lose our wits and grip on the seas," Captain Jasper? Or something along those lines says taking a seat on his desk. He crosses his arms. He stares me down as if examining me from the inside out. I wouldn't be surprised if he could. He is a necromancer after all.

"Captain what about Caiti, she's still there," Oh now that is interesting.

The colour runs from the captain's face.

"Maybe we will a... avoid Paeris," The captain turns his focus back to me. He leans forward. His eyes never leave mine. "The next island we find I am leaving you there,"

I nod.

Great now I have a time limit. I have to find Sebastian and convince him to come home with me. My happiness depends on this not to mention Wyndell's. Plus keeping my father off my back.

"Jas, she could be useful," The man holding me says. Useful. How so? I will not service any men of males on this ship. I am saving that for Wendell.

"Silas, she's no pirate. She tried impersonating a male called Sebastian for Icarius' sake,"

The male beside me flinches. I look up at him...holy fuck. Sebastian. Fuck. His sense of smell is better than mine. He has to know who I am. He likely has since he walked into the room. I knew he sounded familiar.

"Kellan, take her to Lana and Moria," The captain says. Sebastian nods.

"Silas tomorrow you will teach her the basics." Silas the man holding my arm nods. He releases me and shoves me toward Sebastian.

My brother grabs me and pulls me out of the study. I can tell he's not happy. Never was when I interrupted him with his studies or activities he liked to do. Or when he was with his friends. Or his fellow guards. Or...hell he was never happy when I was making trouble for him.

Silas closes the doors behind us.

Sebastian lets go of my arm outside of the study. He turns his wrath on me. He looks like he's holding his rage at bay. "Kell, what are you doing here? and are those my clothes?"

"Yes, they are your clothes and I'm here to find you, dearest brother."

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