"Hey, hey, hey, just a damn minute!" The man from earlier said as he arrived on what sounded to be O.D.M gear.

"Kenny." Historia's father greeted.

"Sounds like you said that if someone who isn't a Reiss eats Eren they won't get the powers of the king." The man, Kenny said.

"Yes, that's right." Historia's father said.

"So then what, even if I do turn into a titan and eat Eren it ain't gonna do me any good?!" Kenny said.

"What are you saying?" Historia's father asked.

"Let him go!" Historia suddenly exclaimed.

"What the hell's gotten into you? Do you think I'm lying?" Historia's father asked.

"No, I don't. I've waited a long time for this day because I knew if there was one thing you weren't lying about it was the succession ritual. Damn, you prick! You knew what I was after this whole time and you knew I didn't have a chance in heol of getting it but you went ahead and used me huh!" Kenny said angrily.

"Im very grateful, when my brother first brought you into his service I thought it was just another one of his foolish whims but-" Historia's father was cut off.

"You keep on talking shit about Uri and you can kiss this half of your head goodbye!" Kenny yelled.

"Stop it! Get away from my father!" Historia yelled.

"Come on, this is pitiful. Don't you get it yet Historia? Your daddy doesn't give a damn about you! He brought you here so that he could turn you into a monster and then after that he's gonna make you eat your buddies Eren and the ginger chick." Kenny said.

"If that's my duty then that's what I'll do." Historia said. "Yeah, I've decided, I'll eat Eren and bring my sister back! I'll inherit the world's history and exterminate every last titan. If that's my duty then I'll do it!"

"Don't make a decision that you don't fully understand and aren't fully prepared for. It'll lead to all three of us dying for no reason." I said.

"Huh? What do you mean?" Historia asked.

"I know the world's history and its not a pretty thing. You'd be ashamed of all the things your ancestors have done. As for your misunderstanding of the power you are about to take, you cannot simply take it and continue with your life. It's cursed. You will be destined to die in 13 years if you take it. In short, daddy dearest over there is afraid of dying and wants you to curse yourself instead of him. Why do you think your sister took it from your uncle instead of him? He doesn't want to be the one to die but he'll gladly control you. So use that head of yours and actually think before you do something just because your father says so." I explained.

"You're a titan too, what do you know!?" Historia said.

"The difference between you and me Historia is that you have a bright future ahead of you. You have friends, talent, your own mind and will, you can do anything you want. You have a choice. I on the other had was damned either way, I was a born a slave, I was abused, hated and destined to always be a slave. I've never had a choice. Don't throw away your life for the acceptance of someone who doesn't give a damn either way." I said.

"That's not true Historia, don't listen to her. I can't become a titan but I'm the only one you can trust! She's trying to save herself not you." Historia's father said. "Kenny you've served me well up until this point, you're free now. Go and find another purpose for your life, live out your years."

"That'd bore me to death so..." Kenny said as I heard footsteps.

"Kenny, what are you planning to do?" Historia's father asked.

"If she wants to turn into a titan then that's her choice to make but I say the two of them should get a fair shot too. They can all turn a titan and battle it out, if Historia wins then you have your peace but if Eren or the ginger takes her down then everything stays the same. Going on living for the sake of drawing breath? That doesn't sound like any kind of life to me." Kenny said.

"Historia! Take this injection and turn into a powerful titan! Remember it's not enough just to bite them anywhere, to take their powers you have to consume their spinal fluid." Historia's father said.

"I recon I better step back." Kenny said before he wizzed over my head on his O.D.M gear.

"Go on, you have to hurry." Historia's father said.

"Eren, why? Why aren't you transforming? You're gonna fight back aren't you? You cant just let me just devour you! Defend yourself!" Historia said.

"Historia this is your chance!" Historia's father said.

"It didn't have to be like this... All that death could have been avoided five years ago if my dad hadn't done what he did. Your sister, she would have been able to do something to stop all this. Because my dad chose to steal your family's power from it's rightful owner countless people ended up getting killed, Armin's grandpa, Thomas, Nac, Mina, Mylius, Marco, everyone on Levi's squad, the people of stohess, the soldiers who came to save me and Hannes. I can never atone for all of their pain, it never should have happened. Those days I spent in training, that stupid dream that I could see the world. And me too, I shouldn't have happened. If nothing else then at least let it end at your hand, take your power back and use it to save humanity. Its all up to you." Eren said.

"Eren, I remember when you said I was a normal girl I was so happy." Historia said.

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