Chapter Twenty-Three

Start from the beginning

Suddenly a tall man came running down the stairs. I felt my mouth drop at his appearance. He was even taller than Isaac, with wide doe-like, crystal grey eyes that were slanted ever so slightly and very long black hair braided down his back. His ears were long and came to a sharp point, and his skin was the color of the sea. I almost yelped when I saw he had a tail. Isaac and Isabella were shocked, but I don't think they were quite as surprised as I was. I had never seen such a person before.

"I heard a crash. Is everything alright?" His voice was smooth like silk.

Alice stood up shakily, reaching toward the man. " We... we have guest Thremael, from the palace." her voice trembled. She was still in shock. I watched as he pulled his wife to him, his eyes scanning over us wearily before falling on Ember. I saw his body relax and he let out a breath.

"Ember. What a wonderful surprise! We weren't expecting you until the holidays. What brings you and your friends to Bellanshire?" He asked while guiding Alice to one of the armchairs that sat next to a lit fireplace. She rubbed her swollen belly anxiously.

"Something has been going on at the palace, and we needed a safe place to be. I hope you don't mind. I offered your home to Master Isaac." Ember said.

"Not at all. It is a pleasure to meet you, Lord Isaac." Thremael bowed slightly, his formality making Isaac smile nervously. "Please help yourself to any of the food Alice pulled out. If you'll excuse me, it's been a long day, and Alice needs her rest. Ember, I'm sure you can get them accommodated?"

Ember smiled fondly, "yes, Thremael. Goodnight."

Thremael helped his wife up the stairs to bed, turning to bid us goodnight once more before disappearing to the second floor. Ember let out a sigh of relief.

"I am sure you have questions, but before I answer yours, you must answer mine." She said sternly. Taking one of the pitchers off the table, she poured us all a drink. "You said you were in danger, and not even Mistress Lilith could know you were in the palace. Explain."

With some help from Isabella and me, Isaac explained everything, from Lilith's involvement in the Raven stalker attack, her plans and how she cast the spell to open the portal, what she did to me, Isaac and Luna, what we found out at Ravenwood manor and her attack. Ember sat listening intently to our explanation. Her eyes were wide, and tears streaked her cheeks by the time Isaac finished.

"I... I can't believe she would do something like this! You said she mentioned dreams? Lilith isn't a psychic. Are they simply dreams of a madwoman, or are they actually sent by something else?"

"I'm not sure. But she seemed very adamant that this is what the Goddess wants. But I have had dreams strictly warning of Lilith. I remember one that warned of the attack of the stalkers and another warning of Lilith taking control. I just never understood them until now." sighing, I should have known! I should have studied my dreams more intently. Maybe then Isaac and I would have been spared all that pain. Luna would still be here, and she could help us close the portal. I was still trying to understand my magic and how to help out more. Maybe Isabella would be able to help me, she is my twin and she grew up here.

"We're not sure what to do or how to close the breach." Isaac rubbed his face and let out a deep sigh. "There's also that prophecy, Lizbeth and I found. Was it about this? Could there be a connection, and would it tell us how to fix it?"

"What prophecy?" Isabella asked, "I've scoured that entire library. Are you talking about the one that's in Elvish?"

"That was Elvish? No wonder I couldn't read it... no Elf would help our scholars with translations." Isaac groaned. "What was the prophecy again, Lizbeth? Do you remember?" he asked.

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