The First Day

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Made August 28th?

Edited; August 31 2021, January 14 2022

Date; June, 17, 20××

Location; borders of; Jasper, Nevada.

Name; Y/N, L/N


"...Are we almost there..?"
"Almost Y/N, a few more hours to go till we make it to Jasper for your arm therapy" The lady in the passenger seat spoke, her words sounded sweet, almost calming.
"If you say so..." you muttered peering out the car door window.
We've been on the road on and off for about a week. constantly made sure you had flexed the "fingers" on my robotic arm that was made for you, for you don't know why this arm instead of those plexiglass ones. Suddenly the radio turned up assuming it was the man in the front... why do not recall who they are...?

Then the car came to a stop. As there was more silence... you look through the front window... there was a hurt deer so instantly you got the bag beside you and almost broke the door opening it. rushing to the deer trying to help it and as soon as you got to stitching the wound closed (thanks a medical degree) the sounds of tires screeching seeing the car you got out of. Had driven off the other way and was fast. You tried running after it to stop it and ended up tripping and got unknown small glass shards in your real hand. How uncalled for.

It was painful process but you got all the glass out of your hand and then disinfected it and wrapped in bandage. The deer had got up and left into the forest... So you set off in search of Jasper. You got my bag over your shoulder, and started walking.




its been a few hours and found the Jasper welcome sign... its going to be dark soon... better find shelter fast, its going to rain. After awhile after finding a cave you discover to look farther into the cave... and a strange purple glow was shining bright at the end of the cave. You got closer and closer and got to see it up close. it was big but big enough for me to hold in my palm...




Humans nor animals that could make that sound so you hid behind a rock and wait for the being to appear in sight... the sounds becoming ever so closer... to see, robots? didnt know they had that type of tech here. one was quite large white or grey, one was more thinner and shorter colored purple and black? and there was another one that was also white or grey but looked more... feminine? was it a guy with odd taste in shoes? who knows they dont look like good news and you don't wanna stay here long with them.

"Starscream you imbecile! you said that there was dark energon here!"

"M-my liege there was! but i believe it move"

"So the energon had somehow grown legs and ran?!"

You bursted out in laughter unknowingly, oh how you wish how that didnt happen. now you're the imbecile...

"soundwave investigate the being of that noise it might be a autobot or... something else."

All of a sudden something detached from the 'soundwave' guy. and its definitely not freindly so off you go running... like a coward...

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