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Jungkook woke up. He was staring at ceiling with confusion. He tried to get up then he saw a man. A handsome man to be exact. The man looked at him.

"Oh! You're awake. wait let me call a doctor" The man said as he walked out without hearing an answer from Jungkook. He was speaking English. So he is in hospital? What is he doing here? 

Soon, The doctor came and checked him up.

"Congratulations, Mr. You're pregnant." Jungkook was nothing but shocked.

"W-What? I- am what?" He asked again. He don't think he heard it right.

"You're pregnant, Mr." The doctor smiled.

"How? I-I h-had a Miscarriage and my doctor said that there is a possibility that I will never get pregnant again. What happened?"

"Mr. That was a miracle that you still got pregnant after your miscarriage." The doctor said. "And your doctor just got wrong?"

"Thank you Doc. " Jungkook let out a small smile before he looked at the man next to him. By the way the doctor already left.

"Who are you?" He asked in English.

"Oh! I am Yugyeom, Kim yugyeom." 

"You're Korean?" Jungkook asked in hangul making the boy look at him in shock.

"I am, And you are too?" Jungkook nod. "How come you look like a foreigner?" 

"Do I? hehe" Jungkook was shy. "Uhm- T-Thank you for bringing me here. I promise I will repay you!"

"No, no its okay."

"The doctor said I can go home now." Jungkook said.

"Do you have someone with you? Your boyfriend? Husband?- I mean sorry to ask" He stopped asking when he saw Jungkook's reaction when he said husband.

"No. It's okay. I came here alone. By the way where is my bag?" Jungkook asked making yugyeom point at the bag on the couch.

"Do you have place to go? You can stay in my place if you want." He offered but Jungkook refused.

"No. I can just book an apartment here or a hotel. I'll be staying here for so long so....."

"I can offer you a apartment near at mine. I also have apartment because I am working."

"Thank you for your help yugyeom. You're a life saver!" Jungkook give him a hug which the older give back.

They made their way to the apartment yugyeom talking about and it is a luxury apartment. He also notice that many people were staring at Yugyeom.

"Woah! You didn't tell me you live at a luxury apartment! I thought it was just as simple apartment" Jungkook let out as he looked at the big apartment.

"Really? This face of mine? Do you really think I will live in an simple apartment?" He asked which made Jungkook to chuckle.

They made their way to Yugyeom's unit as Jungkook was getting ready.

"You can stay here until they call you." Jungkook nod.

The unit was big. It has big T.V in the living room and Island shaped kitchen.

"Are you rich? What is your work? Are you perhaps a CEO?" Jungkook asked making Yugyeom laugh.

"You don't know me? Well that was valid because you just came here. But now you are talking to a famous model in Greece" He said making Jungkook look at him in wide eyes.

"What?! You?! How! I am a model too! In Korea"

"Really? OMG Is this destiny?" They both laugh at that. "If you want to work after you gave birth just tell me okay? I will introduce you to my agency I am sure they'll like you!"

"But wait, Is it okay for you to live alone while you were pregnant?"

"Yes, I mean it will be hard but I have some money with me" Jungkook let out an assuring smile.

"Can I visit you?" Yugyeom asked and Jungkook nod. Since Jungkook will be living alone Yugyeom is worried.

"Can I ask you a personal question?" He asked. Jungkook was scared of what will he ask but he nod.

"Who is the father?" He asked. "It's okay if you don't want to answer-" Jungkook cut him off.

"My ex husband. He is the father. It is a long story but we divorced. I just can't tell you now." Jungkook said as he looked down. Yugyeom panicked as he quickly hugged Jungkook patting his back.

"It's okay. Really." 

That whole day Yugyeom accompany Jungkook to buy some furniture for his apartment and also some groceries.








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