Perez deliberately led the emperor down the road and made him swap the armor he was wearing with the emperor.

"It started."

Perez's Revenge.

In his previous life, his revenge was long and thorough.

He started his plan to ascend to the throne and he returned all the pain he had suffered.

I have no intention of stopping Perez like that.

No, I'm planning to help.

I looked back at Claryvan and said, "Claryvan, I think the time to use 'it' is approaching. Please prepare well."

"Yes, I will move it to the Lombardi mansion."

Claryvan replied, smiling comfortably.


When Emperor Yovanes couldn't sleep, he poured alcohol into a glass with a dull complexion.

He drinks until he falls asleep in drunkenness.

Then he got up and grabbed the bottle again.

It was a recurring daily routine of the emperor after returning from the hunting competition.

Eventually, it reached the point where the servant contacted Rulac separately.

"Have a drink." Yovannes said, putting down a glass of liquor in front of Rulac.

"Are you drinking this kind of liquor everyday?" Rulac asked, frowning.

"I can't sleep unless I drink this." Yovanes replied weakly.

However, he quickly poured the golden liquor in one bite.

"It would be great if I could bring good news to Your Majesty..."

Rulac started while putting the glass back down without touching his mouth.

"You have to pay attention to the public sentiment outside the palace."

Emperor Yovanes frowned on Rulac's right words and pressed down on his temple.

It meant he didn't want to hear it.

But Rulac continued to say so.

"The rumor has spread that the First Prince tried to kill His Majesty and the public is anxious. Besides..."

Rulac deliberately dragged the end of his words to make Yovanes wonder.

"The story of the Brown Family has become a hot topic again."

"The Browns Family?"

Yovanes, who was already pouring the second glass, raised his eyes.

"What exactly is the rumor?"

"It's a long-standing rumor that the Angenas family attacked and killed the Brown family more than 40 years ago."

"So why are those old rumors...!"

Rulac looked at Yovanes meaningfully as if asking, 'Do you really want to know?'

After a moment of silence, Rulac opened his mouth.

"Isn't the First Prince, the legitimate heir, going crazy and trying to kill the Emperor, being punished for betraying and abandoning the Brown family, who were loyal subjects long ago?....Well that's the rumor."

"What the hell!" Yovanes was outraged.

"That's not what I did, is it? That is what the previous Emperor did!" Yovanes felt wronged.

Edited Novel of IBTMITL (Chapter 201-256)Where stories live. Discover now