Chapter 14. Business class seats to our deaths

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"And I am going to be your assassin for the evening." Said Jared, keenly eyeing the four people of the Storm family.

Well, I am kinda part of the Storm family. I mean, I am going to marry Iier.

Never mind.

Let me rephrase it.

"And I am going to be your assassin for the evening." Said Jared, keenly eyeing the Storm family and the lone Heart.

"You are really excited to marry Iier. Aren't you, Sia?" he asked.

It is true, I do look forward towards the summer wedding at Hawaii.

Now back to Jared.

He's Chinese from the looks of it. Living with Vincenzo, I can now distinguish between all Asians.

Jared is cute. May be, 6'1 ft. or 5'11. Something around that.

"Their wedding is not any concern of ours, Jared. Whereas, their deaths, that would be very profitable. I believe you don't know but the highest bounty in the mafia is on you. Now, it can be either Iier or Elesia. You people can figure that out, well if you live. Our work here is done. Brothers, let's head out."

I really do not like Venus Ahades, especially those beady eyes and whiny voice of hers.

And, perhaps, the way she looks at Iier.

Elesia Love Heart! It isn't the time to be jealous!

"Jared, son, hope you will deliver us good news. Daniel, Roselin, you two did an excellent job at keeping things hidden from Iier and Elesia. My only regret would be seeing them go to their graves without any real idea of who they are. Come on, sis!" said Sobek.

They were gone.

Just like that. Well, they did provide us with business class seats to our deaths.

That's one less pessimistic point.

"Well, well, well. What do we have here? Four of the world's most sought-out after people. Not only in the world but also at the underworld. I will earn billions overnight just for a limb of yours. And seeing you dead, I just might become the richest assassin there's to date."

Jared looked so innocent. He looked like a kid who got separated from his mother.

"If you really are going to earn billions, kill us. I'm really getting excited to see how hell is. Afterall, I've to come back to drag you down with me." Iier said.

He's getting angry. Not a good sign.

"Rose, darling, are you okay?" asked Dan.

Now that he mentioned, she rather does look very pale.

"Dan, you, you, yo-

And she collapsed.

"Rose, Rose, hey! Rose!"

"Mom, are you ok?"

Four minutes and 25 seconds later, two worried men were glaring at a certain blonde. 

From time to time, anyways. When they weren't busy tending to Roselin.

"Okay, time's up! You, in the shadows. Step out! I don't have all day or rather, night! Walk faster!"

4 minutes and 58 seconds.

That's how long it will take to break him. I thought he would last a bit longer.

What a pity!

"Jared, is that how you talk to your elders?" I asked.

"You're a coward, that's why you're hiding. How long will you stay hidden?" He retorted.

Smart boy.

"Neither a coward nor am I hiding. It's for your own good. Once you see my face, you will be like one of those Medusa's statues." I said, slowly.

Letting him process everything.

His face shows it. That small pull of lips, downwards, it proves my theory.

If he is like how he was three years ago, it would be easy.

Or I will just be who I am.

In any case, it won't be pretty.

"Oh, are you pretty then? I don't think so. Cowards don't have true beauty."

As I stepped in the light, his reaction was what I was expecting.

"I knew it. You weren't dead. You just couldn't be. Your brother would drag hell to heaven before letting you die."

He spoke nothing but the truth. I was impressed.

"Long time no see, JK."

I missed him. He was like the younger brother I never had.

"I hope you don't mind me, sis but you see, I've a crisis on my hands. I'm sorry I've to kill you. It really hurts me to even say these words." He smirked.

Egotistical son of a b-

"You kill me. Don't touch her. Or go near her!"

It was Iier who said those words.

They really melted my heart like snow in summer. But snow in summer is impossible, so was that.

He raised his gun straight towards where his aorta would be.

"Iier, it would be best to step aside. If you don't know, Jared never, never, misses his shots. He is a sharpshooter. Iier, move!"

I was too late. He had already pulled the trigger.

Any second no-


Hey people! 

Hope you all are awesome and alive. 

The update is here! 

It's chapter 14, three more chapters to go until the end of Part I!

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