Chapter 1. Takes two to tango

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"Life is not about living the safest option," I told him, sleepily. "Life is about living a life worth living."

- Storm and Silence


"Sia, love, go back. We will be with you shortly," I haven't heard her speak in such a gentle voice in ages. If she thinks this will sway me, she doesn't know me yet.

"But mum, what's the harm in me staying here! Please just let me sta-"

"Sia, darling, please, listen to us just this once!" Dad said in his no nonsense voice! Damn it, how can I say no now. This is getting impossible. I mean what's so wrong in me staying here?

"But I am only here for the holidays, just let me stay for a little longer, meet Apollo, Artemis and Will then I will be on my way. Please, mum, dad?" I suggested. I know they can never resist my puppy dog eyes. Hah! Take that! This is one of the perks of  being the baby of the family. Well not literally, but yeah.

Mum drew out a long, deep breath. "Fine, just meet them and go back, okay love?"

"I know and I will! Thank you so much, mum. Love you both!" I yelled over the loud music and sauntered out of the hall. I always knew Seattle was a beautiful place. But the night view of the city, bloody hell! It's amazing, like totally gorgeous. Wish I could stay here forever.

"Aunty, aunty!" yelled Will from the entrance. He is the smartest five year old kid I have ever met. Well, considering the fact that he is the only kid I have ever met.

"Hey there, chipmunk, how are you doing?" I asked. Only he can melt my heart with his adorable british accent. I can't believe they are already leaving tonight. I haven't even had the time to talk wi-

"Aunty E! I told mum and dad I want to stay in Seattle for the holidays with you. But they said it's necessary to go back to London! I don't want to go! Can I stay with you? Please, aunty E?" He said all in one breath. My sister-in-law, Artemis is one talkative woman. This talking thing must run in the genes because both me and Apollo aren't talkers, we're more like the listeners. More like sitting in a corner and sulking type. Will definitely got that from Artemis.

"But Will, baby, what about Nicolas? Don't you think he's waiting for you with Tristan back in London? Don't you want to spend the New Year's Eve with him?" I tried to make him understand but one thing that all Hearts' have is their stubborn personality. We won't budge, even if death is staring at our face.

"No, Dad can go back and bring Nico with him. I will stay here with you! Please Aunty E! Please?" he said in his cute, little voice. No, no, no! This can't be happening, if starts crying now, I am dead.

"How about we go back to London and El will come the day after New Year's, buddy? That way she can be here with grandma and grandpa, and will be in time for your birthday?" a new voice chimed in. Leave it to my dear, intelligent most amazing brother to solve the problem. Sometimes it's really hard to comprehend how can someone like him, at the tender age of 25, be such an awesome father! Damn, he couldn't even talk to kids without making them cry. Look at him now, solving problems like its damn algebra!

"Apollo, Will are you two ready to go? We will be late for the flight! We need to go to Tristan's after landing in London, take Nico and let that kid have some rest before he goes to Sydney! We can't make him late for his shoot! Come on, where are you two? What's tak- Oh hey Sia, didn't see you there? You know you can do better than sneaking out at night!" Artemis said as she rounded the corner and pecked Apollo on the cheek and gave me hug. I knew she could talk but God, this is way too fast paced.

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