Chapter 7. Thomas and Alexander

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"Remember what I told you.

Be ready by 12.

I'll pick you up.

By the way, this is Elesia.

Got your number from your parents."

That's what the text read I received a few hours ago.

She really meant when she said we're going out.

I might've a clothing problem. She really didn't entail where we were going.

And I might or might not have added going there on foot.

Why am I such an idiot, anyways the past is in the past.

Let's think about the future, shall we Mr. Storm.

"Iier, what do you want? I'm in the middle of a meeting. Talk fast."

An irritated Elesia spoke up.

Damn, she sounds pretty angry but that doesn't make her sound any less h-

Don't even finish that thought. She will decapitate my head if she knows what goes on in there.

"Yeah, where are we going and what should I pack? Should I wear something fancy or casual? You actually never gave me the details and you see, I'm a strategist. So, I need to know the four w – why, when, what, who. And you see th-

An amused chuckle cuts me off.

Man, I always ramble on when I'm over excited.

"Wait hold on Iier, gentlemen that's it for today. I've an urgent matter to attend to. We'll continue this next week. Thomas and Alexander send me the logistics report by today. Thank you. You're dismissed."  Elesia spoke.

She sounds so confident.

I find confident people suspicious.

"Okay. I'm very confident enough to be confident with that, Iier." Elesia stated.

"Wait, did I say that out loud?" I asked.

"Yeah, you definitely did." Elesia said, somewhat amused.

"Oh, okay." I dejectedly said.

Shit, how can I say that out loud!


People think only girls can be insecure and that's such a fucking stereotype.

Only because I've anxiety, agoraphobia and have a hard time interacting with people, they shouldn't think I'm not confident.

"Hey, come outside in 10 minutes Confident boy. Wear whatever you want to, be sure to pack some food and get something warm, a hoodie or whatever."

She ended the call, but not before chuckling at something.

I think it has something to do with me.

I was wearing what I was wearing from earlier as I step outside and wait for her.

As I was talking with Ed, a red Lamborghini Diablo rolled up the driveway.

"Hey I got to go Ed, I think she's here. Just take care of the matter alright? If you've a hard time dealing with it, call Cosmos." I hurriedly say as Elesia stepped out from the car.

Huh, so she was driving it.

"Yeah man, have fun at your date." Ed hung up, not giving me the time to correct him that it is isn't a date.

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