Is he claiming territory or sum'n?

I hiss my teeth at the thought, but, to my surprise, an involuntary smile spreads to my cheeks.

And something else flows between my aching legs.

Yuh serious!?

A can't wet you really over yah so a wet up yuh self again.

Nuh your pussy juss buss up?

I frown at the voice in my head. It can surely make me seem cheap sometimes.


After the night I'd just had, I think I'm better off staying far away from sex for a while.

A very long while?

Eeh? Suh yuh think that a guh work?

Especially with that man in the other room, or wherever he is?

Yes. It better works.

He's done way more damage than good to my body, and I won't encourage him anymore.

BUT, it was so good tho!

Oh, yes it was.

That dick was a solid ten out of ten...and I didn't have to hear it from a friend of a friend.

I tasted and felt that shit.

All fucking night.

And boy was it a night.

In only one night, Lucas managed to tear down all my walls, physically and metaphorically, and made me truly realize what it meant to be thoroughly fucked.

And I'll be damned.

He can fuck me and confuse my sen--

No...stop it. This isn't helping. I need to focus less on him, on it...and thinking about last night won't help the situation.

It just won't do.

Plus, I can't help but feel a little guilty.

Guilty because I had not only surrendered to my lustful demon, but had also committed a very sinful act in doing so.

I cheated.

Something I'd never thought I'd see myself do. Never in a million years.

I was always the good girl. The committed, loyal girlfriend. The wife material who puts her boyfriend's needs first. The one who wore her heart on her sleeves and tried not to break anyone else's.

Now, I'm not so sure I deserve the title.


One reason...


I'm sorry.

I pull myself together, and try my best to push the sunken feeling away.

After all, Odaine and I aren't necessarily in a good place right now, not after how he'd acted last night.

If anything, he deserves what he got.

Fuck pon him yes, goodz!

It makes no sense to chastise myself for looking out for my own self, when he did such a shitty job of looking out for her. Like he's supposed to.


So, why do I feel so guilty?

The more I think about it, the worse I feel.

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