T ᕼ I ᖇ T E E ᑎ

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I was woken up by the sound of my alarm. I got up slowly and when downstairs and ate breakfast at the hotels breakfast area. I really didn't care how I looked because it was 7 o'clock in the freaking morning and I was hungry. My hair was lazily thrown up into a messy bun, I had my black nike pro spandex on, a softball shirt that I've had since my last softball season, and I just had my Nike socks on with some slippers. There were a few fans that asked for a picture and a follow, which I gladly accepted. I love my fans. No matter what. They are the cutest things, and they are family.

"Oh. Hello again Allie." I heard a familiar voice behind me.

I turned around and saw the one and only Madison Beer.

"Hello Madison" I replied with attitude added to it

"You're going to pay for what you did at the event. Cameron doesn't care about you. He'll be coming for me when you don't give him what he really is wanting you for." She said stepping closer

"Oh Madison, you really think you know everything don't you. If you're talking about sex, it's already happened, so you can step back. You only want the boys for fame. That's it. You want publicity. But you aren't going to get it. If you haven't noticed by now, none of them are interested. They are all happy with someone else. So if you could please stay out of our lives, that'd be great. Thanks!" I said rolling my eyes at the end

I suddenly felt a fist connect with my jaw.

Did she seriously punch me right now?

I lunged at her and my fist repeatedly punched her in the face, stomach and ribs. I had to stop because I didn't want to kill her because I was smashing her face in. I stood up smoothing down my clothes.

"Allie May Brooks! You're going to pay for this!" Madison said standing up

I just laughed and walked back up to the room.

"Holy crap Allie! What happened?!" Bree asked touching my face

I flinched in pain, I walked over to the mirror and saw a huge bruise on my face.


"Uh earth to Allie. Are you going to tell us what happened?" Megan asked bringing me an ice pack.

"Oh it's nothing really, Madison just came and started talking crap. I freaked out on her, she punched me, then I finished her off." I said holding the cold ice pack to my face

"This girl never stops." Ashlyn mumbled

"Girls, hold my rings! Imma go cut someone!" Baleigh said standing up walking towards the door

"Woah woah woah! You aren't going anywhere!" I said holding her back

"Allie, we are tired of this." Bree started "she's been trying to get in the boy's pants lately."

Everyone agreed

"I know. She's famous like we are. Except it's in a different way." I said sighing. "Let's just forget about it, and hopefully it'll blow over.."


One month later

We were all back in our home towns. The tour was over for another few months. I miss the fans... Once in a while I'll run into someone and we'll take selfies, but other than that, nothing.

Bree and I moved in with Nash, Cameron, and Jack. (A/N I know they don't all three live together but let's just pretend, k bye.) Ashlyn, Baleigh, and Megan were all fixing up to move to California with their boyfriends and all own an apartment together right next to ours.

I decided I wanted to go out for a run, so I grabbed all the things I'd need, threw my hair up into a ponytail, put my running shoes on, and headed out the door. I let Cameron know where I was going so if something happened he knew where I'd be.

I was running my normal route and I felt some weird feeling in my stomach, almost like someone or something was watching me. I decided to turn around, I saw Madison and her posse. (A/N or however you spell that, k bye)

Then everything went black.

Sorry it took me 3,000 years to finally update..
Can't think of a good excuse.
But yeah.
Idk where this book is going :(
I'm kinda hating it right now...
I don't want to delete it, so don't worry babes, it's not going anywhere.
Thanks for all the support so far, and thank you for dealing with the super short chapters..
I love you all.!

Katelynn xx ⚓️

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