T ᗯ E ᑎ T Y E I G ᕼ T

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7 months pregnant.
Allies POV.

Today Cameron texted me asking if I'd be able to pick him up from jail. Of course I said yes, but I was wondering why he asked me out of everybody else. Once I got there, I walked inside.

"Um, I'm here for Cameron Dallas." I said to the jailer behind the counter.

"May I see your ID ma'am?" She asked, holding out her hand.

I quickly took out my ID and gave it to her.

"Ma'am I'm sorry, but with this kind of arrest, it's only family that can bail him out." She said giving me my ID back.

"I'm his fiancé." I quickly said. "I'm pregnant with his baby."

"Fiancé?" She asked.

"Yes ma'am." I said swallowing hard.

"Okay then." She said, walking back into the room to get Cameron.

She walked back with Cameron in handcuffs.

"Sir, is this your fiancé?" She asked Cameron looking at me.

I gave him a little nod, signaling him to shake his head and say yes.

"Uh yeah. Hey babe?" He said , the last sentence sounding more like a question.

"Hello handsome." I said playing along.

"Alright, I'll come get an officer to take these off for you." She said still in disbelief.

Once we got the handcuffs of, we walked out of the jail and walked to my car in complete silence. Once we got inside Cameron decided to speak.

"What was the fiancé act all about?" Cameron seethed.

"Excuse you?" I asked in disbelief, "who do you think you're talking to?! I came during my own time to get YOU, might I add, out of jail! And you decide to treat me like this?! I don't think so."

"Allie come on. Let's be real for a second." He sighed. "You only told them that you were my fiancé because that's how you wish it was."

I was shocked, and angry because of everything he's been saying and doing the last 7 months.

"You know what. You're right. I wish I was your fiancé so I could be the one to straighten you up again. You're having a kid Cameron. Doing this crap, you won't be seeing him until you get your act together." I sighed.

"You can't keep me from my child! Stop being so stupid Allie." He said raising his voice.

I immediately slammed on my breaks.

"Get out." I sighed to Cameron.

"Excuse me?" He said, shocked.

"I said get out!" I yelled.

He just sighed and opened his door and got out. I threw him his jacket and drove off.

Nash, you might want to pick up your best friend.

What? Where is he.

Somewhere on Hunt Highway.

What?! What's he doing out there?!

I guess you'll find out when you get there..

I sighed and locked my phone and threw it into the passengers seat.

The rest of the day was filled with tears, ice cream, and Netflix.

We Met at DigiFest (Cameron Dallas)Where stories live. Discover now