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I woke up to the sound of my alarm on my my iPhone signaling it was time for me to wake up.

I looked at my phone to see that I already had 5 texts from my best friend Bree.

Bree 👯
Omggggggg Allie! Guess what?!

Bree 👯
Allie!!! Wake upppp!

Bree 👯
Allie you'll never guess what happened!!

Bree 👯
I'm coming over in an hour & you better be awake! Cause we're going to Starbucks.

I saw that she sent the last text 15 minutes ago so I figured I had enough time to get ready. So I grabbed my iPhone and my iHome and went to my bathroom. I started the shower, got undressed, and got in the shower. I felt all of my muscles relax as soon as the hot water hit my skin. I took about 15 minutes then got out. I quickly grabbed by blow drier and did my hair. I decided to curly it into beach wave looking curls which ended above my butt.
I put on my obey black crop top that ends a little bit above my belly button and my black ripped skinny jeans. I grabbed my black vans and my gold iPhone 5s. I kept my makeup simple, liquid eyeliner and mascara. When I was finished I went downstairs. By the time I was downstairs Bree had just gotten here and was sitting on my couch.

"Heyyyy!" Bree said before standing up

"Hey!" I said giggling "Are you ready to leave?"

"I should be asking you that question" she said laughing.

"Well let's goooo!" I said before leaving, making sure I locked he door behind me.

"Wait what?!" I said nearly choking on my drink

"That's what I said! My mom totally surprised me with it too!" She said before sipping on her mocha frappe.

Let me tell you what's going on..
Bree showed me the boys about two years ago. (We were sixteen at the time.)
She told me how "hot" and how "perfect" they were.
Let's be honest, I didn't believe her..
I got involved with vine and that's when I fell in love with them. Bree is a Jack Dail fan I am in LOVE with Cameron Dallas.
All the boys are perfect, but there's something about Cam that just stands out..
Well Bree surprised me with tickets to Digi-Fest that her mom got us. The good thing about it for me, is that Cameron will be there. Jack Dail will be there, so Bree is also freaking out.

"I can't wait!!" I said nearly in tears.

"Me either. I'll finally meet the love of my life!" She replied in the same condition as me.

The rest of the day we just sat around imagining on what will happen and whether or not the boys will love us, or whether we were going to just be another fan.

We Met at DigiFest (Cameron Dallas)Where stories live. Discover now