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Bree's POV

"Nash?" I asked in disbelief

"I-I'm sorry. I don't know what got into me." He said rubbing his face "it's just... You're absolutely gorgeous. Whe I saw you the first time my heart started beating faster. Whe I saw you with Jack I felt the love in the air. I just wanted one kiss before you guys started dating." He said looking down.

"Nash, we aren't dating. And yes, I do love him. It sounds really sappy and weird because I just officially met him. But you just have a feeling when you meet them and you know it's love." I say looking down as well.

"I probably messed up whatever chance I had at a friendship with you, didn't I?" He said making eye contact

"We can be friends.." I said smiling "the best of friends. But let's not talk about it, okay? It stays between me and you."

"I promise" he said holing out his pinky.

"Promise" I said wrapping my pinky around his.

"I'll get going now.." He said "See you later?"

"Definitely" i said smiling.

"Well what are we doing?" I asked Jack

"It's a surprise princess." He answered smiling.

"But you should tell me anyways." I said smiling at him

"Not a chance." He said

I just rolled my eyes playfully and looked away..
After a few moments of silence, I decided to break it.

"SELFIE!" I yelled sticking my tongue out

He leaned over and smiled for the first one, the next picture he stuck his tongue out, then he licked my face, and the last one he kissed my nose. I looked over the pictures and smiled. I decided to post a few of them on Twitter. I posted the one where he was kissing my nose, licking my cheek, and smiling.

@BreeDail: First date with this fool ☺️💕

He liked then retweeted it. He was already following me because of one following spree. I remember it like it was yesterday.


It was January 21, 2014 and Jack posted the retweet for a follow. I was in the middle of lunch so I had time to go on Twitter. We are allowed to have our phones in class, but not all teachers allowed it.
I was in my fifth period which just happened to be world history. We were in the middle of taking a test and my phone vibrated on my desk. I decided to look at my phone bc yolo, and it said "@jackdail is now following you." My heart stopped beating for a few seconds before I finally screamed. Long story short, I got my follow from Jack on 1:37 pm, I screamed, got sent to the office, and got a detention for "disrupting the class."

End of flashback

I was sitting in the car and I felt my phone vibrating a lot. I was reading through some of the comments and some of them actually hurt. There were some that said:

"She's ugly, why would he want her."

"@jackdail she's disgusting, why would you fall for her."

More like that but one really hurt because it was from one of my "friends"

"Seriously, just stop. You're not even pretty. 😂 smh. If Jack really wants someone that will give him what he really wants, give him my number. "

Jack must have noticed my expression changed because he looked at me and sighed.

"Bree. Don't listen to the haters. There's always going to be someone in your life that doesn't like you, and there will be people that do." He looked at me "I'm one of the people that like you. a lot."

Before I knew, he kissed me. I went along with it and our lips moved in synch. He pulled away and left me wanting more.

"We are here." He said with his eyes still closed and his lips pursed.

When I looked outside I saw the beach and a candlelit dinner type thing in the sand.
It was s'cute.

"Are you ready princess?" He asked bowing like a gentleman

"I am my prince." I said doing a bow type thing.

We were walking through the sand and I saw a little note engraved in the sand.

"Will you honor of being my amazingly beautiful girlfriend?"

When I looked up, Jack was down on one knee, like he was proposing.

"How could I say no?" I said blushing "Yes!"

He picked me up spinning me around kissing me. The same effect happened. The fireworks, except, they were real.

We Met at DigiFest (Cameron Dallas)Where stories live. Discover now