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5 months pregnant
Allies POV

So today's the day I can actually go and find out the gender of my baby. I was extremely happy because I could actually go out and buy things for him or her. The nursery was going to be set a room across from mine. My house has 5 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms.
I know what you're probably thinking...
Why do you have such a big house if it's just you and Sammy living in it?
Well maybe because I want to have a big family sometime..
Sue me.

I was laying down about to fall asleep before I got a text from Kallie.

Baddie Kal 💀
Don't you dare fall asleep. You have got an appointment in an hour.

How did you know I was about to fall asleep?

Baddie Kal 💀
I may or may not be outside of your house rn..

Lmao! Kal! Are you serious?!

Baddie Kal 💀
No. I'm lying 😒

You are one sketchy child..

Baddie Kal 💀
Maybe.. Maybe not..

Well get inside!

Baddie Kal 💀

I locked my phone and threw it on the opposite side of the couch and sat up.

"Okay. We all know you would be hungry around this time, and your pregnant, lazy buns wouldn't get up... So I brought Panda Express." Kallie said as she was walking through the door.

"Well thanks." I said rolling my eyes playfully.

"The truth hurts.. I know.." She said rubbing my back.

"Get off of me and let's eat." I said getting up and walking over to the food.

We sat around and ate for 30 minutes and I finally decided to get ready.

I did my routine, except in a faster motion because we were running out of time. Once I was finished, I walked down stairs and met Kallie.

"Ready?!" She asked, a little overly excited.

"Ready as I'll ever be.." I sighed walking outside and into Kallie's car


"Miss.Brooks?" The nurse called.

I stood up along with Kallie and we walked into the office. I got extremely nervous with every step I took. Once we got in there it was the usual. Question after question and finally I was waiting for the doctor.

"What do you think you're going to have?" Kallie asked grabbing my hand.

"I want a baby girl.. But I'd be happy with anything." I smiled.

"I know you will." She said returning a smile.

We sat in awkward silence until the doctor finally showed up.

"Hello Miss.Brooks. Sorry it took so long." He said smiling

"It's no problem. I understand how busy you must be." I said.

"Okay, so from the looks of things you are 20-21 weeks pregnant, correct?" He asked

"Correct." I said pursing my lips.

"Well let's find out the sex of the baby shall we?" He said collecting things.

Before we were about to start, there was a knock at the door, and the nurse entered.

"Im sorry to bother, but there is a man out here wanting to enter. He said he was the baby daddy." She said.

"Send him in." The doctor said.

And there I saw Cameron walking through the doors. My stomach instantly dropped and I felt light headed.

"Wh-what are you doing here?" I asked in shock.

"Well, just because WE aren't on speaking terms doesn't mean I don't want to know the sex of OUR child." He said in a monotone voice.

"I would have told you." I said.

"Sure." He said rolling his eyes.

"Let's get started shall we." The doctor said noticing the tension in the air.

We went through all of the steps, and finally it was time.

"Well Miss.Brooks. Looks like you are having a baby boy." The doctor smiled. "Congratulations."

I was in tears. Not sad tears, but the opposite. Happy tears.

I leaned down as far as I could and whispered - "I love you baby."

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