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Cameron's POV

I was sitting at home waiting for Allie to get home. I had a perfect night planned out, and I was missing one thing.. Her. My phone beeped indicating I had a text message.

Your perfect little girlfriend may or may not flatline on her way to the hospital.

Who is this, and who hurt her?!

Oh Cameron. Thinking I'm going to give up this easily? Think again Dallas.

Whenever I find out who did this, you'll regret ever TOUCHING Allie. She will tell me who did this.

If she wakes up...

Reading over that last message I started getting dizzy.

Who would do this to her?
Is she going to die?
What happens if she wakes up with amnesia and I never find out who did this?
Will she still love me?

All these thoughts were flooding my mind and I puked. I couldn't think of what I'd be like if i lost her. I'm in love with her..

I made it to the hospital and sat right next to her holding her hand the entire time.

Allie's POV

I couldn't see anything but black..

"Will she be okay Doctor?" a lady asked.


"She should be okay. She was just struck in the head very hard and she was beaten up while she was unconscious." He sighed "see, we put her into a medical coma just so she has time for her brain to heal. When she was struck, her brain started to swell because she was hit, then she hit her head on the ground. We will keep her in a medical coma until we know she will be stable enough to handle it.. But there is a down fall to all of this." He said

"What is it sir?" A boy asked.

Who is that holding my hand?

"She will have amnesia when she wakes up, but it will only be temporary. Coming back in a week or so after she wakes up." He sounded upset to break the news

"Okay. Thank you doc." the boy said again

My father passed away a year ago due to a drunk driver... I miss him terribly. He was like my best friend. We always went to Olive Garden on Fridays as a "father daughter time" thing. It was honestly the best time of the week for me. We have always had a lot of money, but we never did anything stupid with it. We were always careful. We gave it to charity, homeless people, and the excess would go to bills and fun.

"What if she forgets about me?" The boy asks

"Cameron, that'd be impossible."

Cameron? As in Cameron Dallas?

"You heard what the doctor said.. I can't live without her." The boy said.

"I know Cameron. I know.." My mom sighed "we'll just have to wait."


One week later

It's been a week since the incident happened with Madison. Now you're probably wondering - "how can she remember that, but she can't remember your own boyfriend?" - the little bits of my memory comes back every once in a great while. They took me off of my medical coma and everything has been going good. Besides if I'm concentrated on something for a while, or the room is too bright. Then I get a major migraine and I have to sleep. Everyday Cameron comes in with a rose and some cheesy love note.

"Good morning Allie." Cameron said coming over to kiss my cheek, which I dodged. "Allie... Why do you keep avoiding me?"

"Cameron I'm just confused okay!" I said raising my voice as tears threaten to pour "I'm sorry I can't remember everything you want me to! I lost my memory, even the doctor told you that!" by now I was sobbing "I want to remember, I really do. Right now, my life is like the vow or whatever cheesy movie that is when the girl looses her memory and she gets it back slowly. I want to remember what it feels like to love someone like I once loved you. Not saying I never will, but I can't remember anything right now. Cameron I'm so sorry!" He was now crying too.

"Allie I'm sorry." He said before walking out

Did I just loose the love of my life?

Hello all you gorgeous people.
I'm not dead I promise.
I'm procrastinating..
Well, here's a small little update.
Can we just take a moment to praise the divergent series...?
I've got a new famous person obsession or whatever you wanna call it.

Well, goodbye now 😌

I love you guys.!

Katelynn 💯 xx

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